12-11-11, Sunday updates
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Prayer Requests:
Emily-children & adjustment & Christmas; Dallas Caviness-soldier injured in combat
Angela & Jennifer- Dad's surgery is set for Dec. 28th. Pray for surgeon & for peace for our dad.
Whitworths-Sister's family
Andrea A.-My friend's aunt Frances Humphry was just diagnosed with brain cancer. Please pray for healing for her and comfort and strength for her and her family.
Brady-Praise-Dad is home and seems to be doing well. Pray his heart rate stays normal.
Scott-2 job interviews on Wednesday...please pray for God's will for us.Posted by Unknown at 1:46 PM |
Sunday, 12-4-11 update
Monday, December 5, 2011
Welcome newest members Max & Jennifer Bender!!!
Parent's Night Out/Class Christmas Party- This Friday 12/9/11-Drop your Preschoolers and siblings (thru 4th grade) off at the church at 6pm and then head out to Stephanie's house by about 6:15 for our class Christmas party. Don't forget you have to pick up your kids by 8:30 or you all turn into pumpkins! Well, ok, maybe not really but you don't want to find out what happens if you are late picking up your kids. ;)
-Don't forget to get your money to Krista for a gift card to be given to Paula & Brian for their new daughter Faith. You can also sign up to take a meal to them through their takethemameal.com link. Welcome sweet Faith to Trussville!
Prayer Requests:
-Angela & Jennifer's Dad is scheduled to see a surgeon on Tuesday to schedule removal of spot on lung. Pray for peace.
-Vesla-family during the loss of her aunt.
-Brady-Dad was hospitalized with elevated heart rate this week. Hopes to go home today. Pray medicine will keep his heart rate stable.
"Making & keeping a vow does not save a person. Salvation is a gift from God to those who believe, not to those who behave." --Warren WeirsbePosted by Unknown at 10:03 AM |
Sunday, 11-29-11 recap
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Welcome Robert & Jennifer Pannell as our newest members!
December 9th-6pm-8:30pm-Parent's Night Out--Preschoolers & their siblings through 4th grade. & Class Christmas Party-after you drop off your kids come to Stephanie's house. Sign up in class to bring a goodie.
Christmas Day-One service only at 10am (no childcare)
Prayer Requests:
Christy C.-Alex's procedure on Friday, Dec.2 will be put to sleep to have 2 molars extracted; friend Karen & her husband Phil had a brain tumor removed & he's about to start chemo; Shannon's co-worker & her mother were killed in the accident on Hwy 280 last Friday.
Vesla-Aunt Karen (as they remove feeding tube) and her son Matt that he will come to his mother's side. 2 unspokens
Robert & Laurie Beth-friend's health
Angela & Jennifer-Mom's knee surgery recovery. Dad's MRI
Julie-co-worker's Grandfather passed away; another co-worker's Dad had a tumor in his bladder, got 95% of it out (he is 85 yrs old); family friend with baby born at 32 weeks has some neurological damage, extent wont' be known for 8 more months at least.
Jennifer-neighbor collapsed in yard. William is in the hospital on a ventilator and no update on his condition.
Scott-3 possible job interviews this week.Posted by Unknown at 8:00 PM |
Sunday, 11/13/11 recap
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
--Julie's Prayer and Pampers-November 20th-4:30pm- will be at Lisa's house. Sign up to bring a salty/ sweet snack in class.
---Parent's Night Out - December 9th-6-8:30pm. Preschool through 4th grade. Deadline to sign up is 11/30! This night will also be our Sunday School Christmas party @ Stephanie's house.
--Paula's Prayer & Pampers will take place after they get back from China. We will give money to Krista to get one gift card for them.
Prayer Requests:
--Cindy-son Alan left for Marine Corp boot camp Sunday.
--Vesla-Aunt Karen still not doing well, & cousins Tait & Emily- kids of Uncle that passedPosted by Unknown at 6:33 PM |
Sunday, 11-6-11 recap
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
--Julie's Prayer and Pampers-November 20th-4:30pm- will be at Lisa's house. Sign up to bring a salty/ sweet snack in class.
---Preschool Parent's Night Out - December 9th-6-8:30pmBe sure to sign up EARLY! This night will also be our Sunday School Christmas party @ Stephanie's house. Parents with older kids be sure to get a babysitter early too-this is a busy time of year!
--Paula's Prayer & Pampers will take place after they get back from China. We will give money to Krista to get one gift card for them.
--Message from Lance Pate--Wednesday evening, Pastor Buddy shared the Champion's story as well as the next steps for Grace. It is now our job to circle around their family and pray without ceasing. We have created a prayer calendar that will allow all of us to pray for Buddy, Lynn, Macie, Dailey and Grace 24 hours a day. Click on PRAY to sign up for a 15 minute prayer window. Pray during your chosen day and time each week right where you are. We will update Buddy's blog with specific prayer requests as they are communicated to us.
To hear Buddy's message from Wednesday, November 2 click MY STORY
To follow Buddy's blog click BUDDY'S BLOG.
To sign up on the prayer calendar click PRAY
Praises & Prayer Requests:
--Christy C.- Aunt Eliazbeth Vaughn is having surgery on MOnday. She has a major blockage in her artery.
--Vesla- Mother's side of family & father's side & Step-mom's side of family.
--Julie & Brady-Glucose test Thursday, Brady travelling until the 18th.
--Jennifer Bearden-Grandmother passed away on Saturday. Pray for my mom & her four sisters.
--Lisa & Scott- Praise that God provided a surprise financially this week. Bless Him for being our Provider!Posted by Unknown at 9:40 AM |
Hayride 2011---I couldn't get the slideshow to work, but here are the photos.
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Posted by Unknown at 9:56 PM |
We had 86 people at the Akridge farm to enjoy the fun at the hayride, the most we've ever had! What a great day and fun we all had, but we did miss all of you who couldn't make it. By the way Mike and Brenda found a camp chair, football & frisbee left for someone to claim.
November 8th-Paula's Prayer & Pampers (date may change) get money to Krista for group gift card ASAP.
Nobember 20-Julie's Prayer & Pampers at Lisa's house @ 4:30pm
December 9-Preschool Parent's Night Out/Class Christmas party 6pm-8:30pm
Prayer Requests:
Gillenwaters-travel safety &safety for girls at home
Elizabeth-friend Julia Beckman going on Mission trip to India next week
Benzaia's-family & longer days I have 1 more month of sessions; I pray that we can make it
Kiley-sister (Kay Ferguson) had surgery Monday to remove non-milignant tumor.
Emily-just pray-long story
Scott-2 job interviews this week and possible response on another.Posted by Unknown at 9:35 AM |
Sunday school is cool: A Christmas Challenge
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
This is borrowed from our friends in the Hollingsworth class. I hope it helps you prepare your hearts for Christmas!
Click on the following link:
Sunday school is cool: A Christmas ChallengePosted by Unknown at 10:08 PM |
Sunday, 10-23-11 recap
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Prayer Requests:
--Andrea-Praise new job
--Vesla-unspoken, aunt - return of tumor, battling cancer for 15 yrs cousin not being supportive
--Jennifer-Mom goes for stress test this week. Pray all is well.
--Scott-just 2 weeks left of current job. Praying for new job ASAP! Lisa--prayers for health
--Hayride-Sunday, October 30th--*TIME CHANGE* 3PM. if you haven't signed up to bring something just bring a finger food or contact Krista.
--Julie Cox's Prayer and Pampers set for November 20th at Lisa's house.Posted by Unknown at 5:53 PM |
10/9/11-Sunday recap
Monday, October 10, 2011
Welcome New MembersKevin & Andrea Smith to our class!
Glad you are here!--Hayride****DATE CHANGE****Now set for October 30th, Sunday beginning at 3:30pm. Be sure to bring your kids riding toys, chairs and sign up for food will be coming in Sunday School.
--Oct. 21-- 6pm-Tailgating party--be sure to get your childcare money to Krista ASAP. If you need to bring it by her office that is fine. $6/child. Sign up for food items in Sunday School or email Krista.
--Julie Cox's Prayer and Pampers set for November 20th at Lisa's house.
Prayer Requests:
--Freddy Bishop--separation issues with kids
--Jason & Ashley-praise that Carter's infection in his knee is healing.
--Vesla-Chad had a rough week and wanting to come home. Praise that cousin and baby Jax are doing well. Also, praise for baby Levi. 2 Unspoken requests for Vesla
--Scott--continued prayer for a new job. Praise that Ryan's hand was not broken!Posted by Unknown at 8:34 PM |
Sunday, 10/2/11 recap
Sunday, October 2, 2011
Prayer Requests:--Willie - safe travels to VA this week; for Dore' to have peace & rest in his absence--Stephanie - continue praying for my 17 yr. old cousin Jake battling drugs--Vesla - continue to pray for my grandmother's progress with health issues; for a job for my aunt going through a divorce--Emily - for opening as substitute teacher at Cornerstone; smooth start to online classes with an alert, and focused mind--Krista - several unspoken--Andrea - for God's provision of a job for her; for Greg's younger brother Scott, who lives in Ohio, going through a divorce--Ashley & Jason - for Carter's infection in his knee to clear up quickly--Kiley - for Linda Skipper, a co-worker's mom, whose cancer returned & had surgery to remove it; pray for no recurrence.--Mike - for healing from a stomach virus; scheduled to travel this week--Rushes - PTL for Drew's safe return home!--Lisa-Ryan's hand got hurt at a party on an inflatable. Not sure if its fractured.
--Tailgating party at the church--kid free night - Friday, October 21.
--Men's Bible Study--meets Tuesdays @6am in room 203 of CLC. See Brian Sewell for details.
--Bring candy to the Event Center to donate to the Fall Family Night (Trunk-or-Treat)
--Hayride is set for November 5 at the Akridge's house. Begins around 4pm.Posted by Unknown at 8:52 PM |
Sunday, 9-25-11 recap
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
(See details from previous posts)
Oct. 21-Tailgating party
Nov. 5.-Hayride @ the Akridges
Bring candy to the Event Center to donate to the Fall Family Night (Trunk-or-Treat)
Men's Bible Study--Tuesdays 6am
Prayer Requests:
--Mike--Praise the Lord-recovery still going well
--Vesla-Chad is struggling with his deployment. Aunt (Moms's sister) separated from husband and has moved up here form FL. She is unsure of future and taking care of grandmother and not doing well. She is down to 104lbs. and very hostile.
--Stephanie--my cousin Jake (17 yrs) struggling with drug abuse and emotional stress.
--Brady-both grandmothers and parents . Julie & Joe & Katy Bridges (loss of baby.)Posted by Unknown at 10:15 AM |
Sunday, 9-18-11
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
--Men's Bible Study--meets Tuesdays @6am in room 203 of CLC.. Begins Tuesday, 9-13-11.
--Tailgating party--kid free night will be Friday, October 21. Please confirm with Krista if you need childcare at the church ASAP.
--Hayride is set for November 5 at the Akridge's house. Begins around 4pm.
--Preschool Parents' Night Out (Churchwide), Sept. 23, 6:00-8:30pm. You can register on church website.
Prayer Requests:
-Vesla-Chad-having a really hard time being away and coping. Sister's good friend Katie lost 2 month old son Walt on Sat.
-William-Step-sister's family (Helm's family)-home burned thankfuly, no serious injuries
-Jason & Ashley-friend's of ours-she is gettign ready to hae a kidney transplant and the husband might be the donor. He lost his job 3 weeks ago. They have 3 children.
-Brady-both grandmothersPosted by Unknown at 9:43 AM |
Sunday, 9-11-11
Monday, September 12, 2011
--Girls' night out will be Tuesday, September 13 at 6:45 - 7:00ish @ Brenda's. Snack sign up: Salty--Elizabeth, Ashley, Krista, Kris; Sweet--Emily, Wendi, Jennifer, & Lisa.
--Men's Bible Study--meets Tuesdays @6am in room 203 of CLC.. Begins Tuesday, 9-13-11.
--Sunday Social potluck will be September 18 during class.
--Hayride is set for November 5 at the Akridge's house.
--Tailgating party--kid free night will be Friday, October 21. Please confirm with Krista if you need childcare at the church ASAP.
--Preschool Parents' Night Out (Churchwide), Sept. 23, 6:00-8:30pm. You can register on church website.
Prayer Requests:
--Julie's-sis-in-law's mom had back surgery Friday. More severe than expected. Seems to be doing well right now.
--Brady--parent's & both grandparents
--Krista-wisdom to make right choices
--Emily--Mom & Jack coming back from Thailand, other stuff going through
--Praise--for Mike's continued recovery.
--Scott & Lisa--continued prayer for God's provision for a job.Posted by Unknown at 3:16 PM |
Sunday, 8/28 updates
Monday, August 29, 2011
Thank you Krista for taking care of prayer requests while we were out!
Prayer Requests:
Vesla: PRAISE! Her grandmother is continuing to do well. God really showed presence this week in the Lochte house. Pray for sister, Heidi, her husband gave her the D word. Said she needs to put him first above 3 kids, 2 year old daughter and 6 mos old twin boys, and he is out of town a lot.
Christy Chambers: Pray for the Englebert family. ( My aunt Faye passed away).
Emily: Pray for changers in her life. Going back to school to renew teacher certificate.
Ashley Lybrand: Pray for sister, Lesley, for mersa staff infection to be completely gone now that the pic line is out.
Whitworth: Clista and her leg cramps to go away. Caitlyn to be happy while in full leg cast.
Lisa-praise- the biopsy was negative--no Lyme disease. I will just need to take antibiotic for 21 days to keep infection away.
--Girls' night out will be Tuesday, September 13 at 6:45 - 7:00ish. Brenda has offered her house if no one else does. Need to decide if we want salty/sweet or desserts
--Sunday Social will be September 18. Everyone needs to bring something.
--Hayride is tentatively November 5 at the Akridge's house.
--Kid free night will be Friday October 21 if the church oks. Will be checking this week.Posted by Unknown at 9:53 AM |
Sunday, 8/23/11
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
-Welcome new members Jason & Susan Flebotte!-Thank you Tommy Coshatt for bringing an excellent lesson from Jeremiah!
-check email from Krista about upcoming socials
-Sept. 11-Children's choir begins-see church website for details
-Sept. 11-Parenting Series "Growing Kids God's Ways" begins on Sunday evenings same time as Children's choir
-Men's Morning Bible Study begins September 6th, and will meetTuesday Mornings at 6am
--Akridges--PTL for Mike's recovery thus far. Continue to pray for total, speedy recovery
--Bishops--Brother having issues with kids after divorce. Pray for Robert's replacement at work
--Lochte's--Praise Vesla's G-ma did very well last week. Prayer-family friend going through very ugly divorce with children ages 5 and 13 being used by father to hurt mother.
--Elizabeth-dealing with mental walls. Praying for the right professional help with bringing them down.
--Christy Chambers-unspoken
--Jason & Susan- Jason's mom began new treatment this week. She will receive injection twice a week. Lab work has shown some improvement in the last month.
--Lisa-lab work done on insect bite associated with Lyme's Disease. Will be taking an antibiotic for 21 days. Praying for no long term illness.
--Scott--continue praying for job situation.
Posted by Unknown at 9:08 PM |
Sunday, 8-7-11 recap
Monday, August 8, 2011
Welcome Eli Jackson Moatesborn Thursday,Aug 4th12:41pm8lbs 11 oz.20.5inAnnouncements:
-Sunday is gonna be a big day. We are having an attendance challenge in Sunday School so be sure to come. We are shooting for 2011 churchwide. We will be starting our study of the book of Jeremiah. It will also be kids' promotion day in Sunday School which means they will be moving up to their new age group class since school is starting back. Also, the contemporary worship will be meeting in the main worship and will be led by Charlie Hall! You don't want to miss this. Big day!
--Be sure to sign up to bring a meal on www.takethemameal.com to Scott & Kelley Moates as they welcome baby Eli home.
--Help out the Missions ministry by bringing dark colored yarn to the mission wall in the Gathering Space.
Prayer Requests:
--Trussville Firefighter's faily-Jarrod Stathers
--Drew Rush and Chip Ramsey's family in their loss of a great man. Continue to pray for Drew and his coworkers.
--Christy Chambers-continued prayer for FBC, Irondale and daycare closing Aug. 12th., unspoken.
--Andrea Anderson--PRAISE! Aunt Petretia's bone marrow test are cancer free. She got to come home this past Saturday. Please pray for Greg as he starts back to school this week.
--Vesla-PRAISE!-we have been able to talk to chad everyday via skype. Prayers for us to continue to have strength especially Logan who is really struggling with Chad being gone.
--Brady-Grandmother with cancer is home. Pray she is comfortable during her remaining time. --other Grandmother is possibly showing signs of dementia or paranoia. Hard on his parents.
--Jason & Susan--Jason's mom has rare condition effecting her kidneys. Will be seeing a specialist this Tuesday to discuss further treatment. --Grover Smith-This is the father of a close friend, he is very gravely ill. He and their family need prayers for comfort, peace, and understanding. --Katie Davidson--18 yr ld Hewitt graduate who had a golf cart accitdent in front of our house this week. She is in a coma at UAB with severe head trauma. Pray for her, her family, the other girls driving/riding the cart, as well as, our neighbors who were the first responders.
--Scott-continued prayer for job situation. Lisa--possible skin cancer on back. Will have an appointment this Wednesday.
--Mike-as he nears his surgery on August 18th.
Posted by Unknown at 3:40 PM |
8-1, Sunda Recap
Monday, August 1, 2011
See previous announcements.
Prayer Requests:
--Mike & Brenda--Mission trip to Austria
--Ashley's brother Landon
--Christy-the Preschool staff at FBC Irondale. The teachers will be looking for jobs. Friend Shana-husband wants a divorce.
--Stephanie B.-neighbors & issues with neighbors
--Mike & Amy moving Monday. Pray their house sells.
--Brady- Grandmother with cancer, not doing well, probably will not do chemo. Don't know how long she has.
--Rebecca Williams, family and baby Levi.Posted by Unknown at 6:55 PM |
7-24, Sunday recap
Monday, July 25, 2011
--Yogurt Mountain Social-Monday night 7pm. Bring the family!
--Dark yarn needed for a Mission project by August 15th
--Backpack Ministry--supply list at the Event center...due August 7th.
--High Attendance Sunday is August 14th. This is also the first day the Contemporary service will move into the main worship center (no longer in the gym.)
Prayer Requests:
--Andrea Anderson--Aunt Petretia Squires in hospital at UAB, undergoing chemo for Lukemia
--Mike & Brenda-pray for safety and spiritual preparation to minister to missionaries & their families. Trip is July 27-August 7.
--Mike & Amy-pray for a buyer for our house. Pray for our move that we will find a church home & make friends quickly.
--Ashley & Jason--continue to pray for Lesley's healing. Also, Thank you for the calls, meals & prayers for Blair.
--Scott Thomas--continue to pray for job situation.Posted by Unknown at 4:26 PM |
You're on the home stretch now Kelly!
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Posted by Unknown at 12:46 PM |
July 17, Sunday recap
Monday, July 18, 2011
--Yogurt Mountain Social is set for July 25th, Monday @ 7pm--all are welcome!
--July 31st--Burgers & Barrels--Churchwide hamburger & homemade ice cream social. Sign-up if you can bring a barrel of ice cream by emailing Lisa or Emily.
Prayer Requests:
--Scott--to find a new job
--Paula--adoption process & Blair
--Emily's mom--caring for great aunts. Soon to move into assisted living.
--Chad's deployment, Vesla & kiddos. Vesla's family with multiple health issues.
--Clista's parents are returning from Peru this next week.
--Robert-brother Freddy having issues with kids and sister-in-law (PTSD)
--Mike--Praise for his mom's progress since the surgery thus far.
--Mike & Brenda-for spiritual & physical preparation for the Mission trip set for July 27-August 7.Posted by Unknown at 6:46 PM |
July 10, Sunday recap
Monday, July 11, 2011
Welcome new membersKevin & Cindy O'Shieldsto our class!
--You can sign up to help with a meal for the Lybrands and McRae's on www.takethemameal.com. If you need password info you can email Lisa Thomas.--Be sure to bring cards and well wishes for the Lochte family on July 17th. This will be Chad's last Sunday with us before his deployment.--Be sure to check out the recipe tab for Jason Flebotte's favorite ice cream. **told you it would be on the blog** ;)
--Don't forget to join us for the continued parenting series by Kevin Leman- "How to Have a New Kid by Friday." If you have missed any of the hand outs, you can get a copy in Sunday School.
Prayer Requests:
--Vesla-Chad, me & boys for his deployment. Aunt Karen-cancer.
--Mike-Mom's broken arm surgery for Tuesday. Pray no complications & complete recovery.
--Mike & Amy White-Praise--found a house to live in after we move. Pray for our house here to sell quickly.
--Paula & Brian-pray for favor for quick approvals so we can bring Blair home.
--Christy Chambers-Gets blood test results on platelet count Monday. Praying everything comes back ok.
--Andrea Anderson--Aunt Peterita found out this week she has Lukemia. She will start treatment this week at UAB. Please pray for her healing at UAB. Please pray for her healing and for her family.
--Ashley L.'s sister Leslie having trouble with infection following her Jaw surgery a few weeks ago; please pray for total clearing of the infection & pain to end.
--Scott & Lisa Thomas--needing a new job in about 4 weeks. Praying weather Lisa should look for a job as well.Posted by Unknown at 10:13 AM |
Sunday 7-3-11 recap
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
--July 10th, 4pm-Prayer & Pampers for Kelly Moates @ Paula's house.
--Ashley Lybrand meals begin Tuesday. Go to www.takethemameal.com to sign up. Don't forget more than one person can sign up on the same day.
--Be sure to come next week as we continue in the video parenting series "How to Have a New Kid by Friday," by Dr. Kevin Leman.
Prayer Requests:
--Vesla-Praise! Grandmother is doing well in new facility, Aunt is handling well too. --Request for Vesla and anxiety about Chad's departure July 26th.
--Christy-- Appointment with internist is on Thursday. I'm still praying that my platelets & RBC goes back up. My hematologist appointment isn't until October 21st.
--Mike A.--for his mom to have minimum pain from her broken arm, for it to heal completely hopefully without surgery. She sees an orthopedic doctor Tuesday.
--Scott & Lisa--job situationPosted by Unknown at 10:39 AM |
6-26-11, Sunday recap
Sunday, June 26, 2011
Prayer Requests:
Brenda - Jim's cancer had not progressed any, still the same, which is good news but not the best news. He will remain on the same treatment regimen until the next scans/tests.Vesla - for her grandmother Peggy Gunby whose mental health is deteriorating and needs to be moved to a different health care facility, and for her pregnant cousin Brittany to be able to ignore negativecomments from their grandmother about the babyEmily - need God's wisdomMike & Amy White - PTL for his new job in TN; pray their house sells quickly & for wisdom in finding a home in Knoxville, a church, & drs.Krista - unspoken Julie & Brady - for Cooper not to need a cast for a dislocated elbow. If not improved soon, he will have to see an ortho.Christy - for wisdom for the hematologist she will be seeing; her platelet count is still low.Ashley & Jason - for Blair's lungs to grow strong & be able to breathe without oxygen aid; not sure when she will get out of the NICU. Pray also for Ashley, because she's not been able to hold Blair yet.Announcements:--Look for Freedom Celebration email from Emily this week about opportunities for you to help with our assigned inflatable on the Fourth. ---see sign-ups tab to see if you have already signed up--July 10th--4pm, Kelly Moates Prayer & Pampers Shower at Paula's house.Posted by Unknown at 9:19 PM |
6/19/11 Sunday recap
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
We began the video study series of "Have a New Kid By Friday" by Kevin Leman. According to Brenda several of us were out of town but the discussion after the video on parenting yesterday was so good that it will be continued at the beginning of class next Sunday. We plan to view the next video but may not have time for discussion of it. So if you were out of class, please come this coming Sunday and get caught up quickly.
Prayer Requests:
Krista - her grandfather, who lives in GA, has alzheimers; is experiencing liver failure; pray for God to be merciful to him.
Brenda - Jim, my BIL, will have tests & scans on Wed. & receive results on Thurs.; pray for regression, even eradication, of his cancer.
Scott-cousin Daryl with cancer in his jaw, cheek, and face. He is having surgery Tuesday 6/21/11.
-July 4th--Freedom Celebration on the Mall--Needing volunteers-from 6pm-9pm
See sign up tab if you are listed as helping.
--July 10th--Kelly Moate's Prayer & Pampers @ Paula's house-4pm.Posted by Unknown at 9:06 AM |
Sunday, 6-12-11 recap
Monday, June 13, 2011
Prayer Requests:
--The Coluburn's--WelcomeBaby Jacob RyanBorn: Monday, June 13noon8lbs 7oz22.25"
--Meals for the Colburn's will begin Monday, June 20th. Log onto www.takethemameal.com to sign up.
--Brenda & Mike--their spiritual & logistical preparation for their mission trip the first week of August.
--Jason & Ashley--C-section is planned for July 6 at noon. Jason's brother was diagnosed with cholesterol & heart problems. Ashley's sister had major jaw surgery.Announcements:
-July 4th--Freedom Celebration on the Mall--Needing volunteers-from 6pm-9pm
See sign up tab if you are listed as helping.
--July 10th--Kelly Moate's Prayer & Pampers @ Paula's house-4pm.Posted by Unknown at 4:01 PM |
Sunday, 6-5-11 recap
Monday, June 6, 2011
Prayer Requests:
--Elizabeth--nightmares for the past week. Pray they go away.
--Angela & Rob--Annie Kate is having tubes put in Thursday. Pray for a successful procedure and recovery.
--Amy & Mike--Pray for a contract on our house & for job opportunities. Also please pray for wisdom in the decisions we need to make.
--Willie-his mom and FBC Hope Mission team in Chicago this week, returning to Hope, AR on 6/12.
--Lisa--having to wear a heart monitor for 3 weeks. Symptoms have been heart palpatations, nightmares, sweats, dizziness/near black outs, anxiety, high blood pressure, etc. Hoping it is just medicine side effects.
--July 10th, 4pm--Kelly Moates' Prayer & Pampers will be held at Paula's house.
--Freedom Celebration--July 4th, Monday on Trussville mall. Need volunteers to help in various shifts from 6pm-9pm. Sign up will be in class.
--June 12th--Sunday Social during the 9:15 Sunday School hour. Please be sure to arrive on time so we can make the most of it! If you haven't yet signed up to bring something just get creative--the basics are already taken care of.Posted by Unknown at 10:54 PM |
Ashley Lybrand's Prayer & Pampers shower
Monday, May 30, 2011
Posted by Unknown at 9:02 PM |
GREAT discussion this morning on "Being Forgiving", with God through Jesus Christ as our example.
--June 12 - Sunday Social during the SS hour; see Ashley L. for sign-up sheet for what to bring for our brunch and devotional/fellowship time.
--July 10 @ 4:00 @ Paula Sewell's, Kelly Moates' Prayer and Pampers shower; sign-up sheet to come later.
Prayer Requests:
Julie C. - Dad still recovering/healing from his back surgery, but doing well
Mike and Amy - pray for their house to sell & for God to provide jobs for them as they move back to SC.
Ashley L.- sinus infection; safe delivery of their baby girl
Jennifer C. - safe delivery of their baby boy
Safe travels for those gone for the holiday weekend
Next Sunday we will teach last week's last session on Colossians about family relationships and employer/employee relationships. Then, in mid-June we begin the parenting series for several weeks.
Posted by Unknown at 9:02 PM |
Prayer Requests:
--Julie Cox--her dad had back surgery last Thursday. Doing well, pray for good recovery. Brady's grandmother--bad helath (chemo, digestive issues, etc.)
--Brenda--continued prayer for Jim's cancer treatments to eradicate the cancer.
--Mike & Brenda--our preparation for Mission Trip at the end of July-August 8.
--Veslas--Uncle David's test results from tumor to not be cancer. Safe travels for Mom, Grandmother, and 2 aunts to go visit aunt in Ohio and strength for Mom & aunts as they take care of Grandmother and Ohio aunt as both are wheelchair bound.
--The Sewell's--Please pray for out daughter in China, Blair, while she waits for us.
--Kiley's Boss's daughter, Mary Abbogtt Crain diagnosed with Rheumotoid Arthritis. She is 12 years old.
--Stephanie B.--positive realationship with her Dad.
--Willie's friend -Lamar Oliver, Pastor in Morgan city, LA. Flood preparation.
--Clista--back pain--situation getting worse.
--Mike Whitworth--Trouble at work (again).
--Mike & Amy--pray for our house to sell and for God to provide a job for us.Posted by Unknown at 9:01 PM |
Sunday 5-22-11
Sunday, May 22, 2011
Prayer Requests:
--Julie Cox--had back surgery last Thursday. Doing well, pray for good recovery. Brody's grandmother--bad helath (chemo, digestive issues, etc.)
--Brenda--continued prayer for Jim's cancer treatments to eradicate the cancer.
--Mike & Brenda--our preparation for Mission Trip at the end of July-August 8.
--Veslas--Uncle David's test results from tumor to not be cancer. Safe travels for Mom, Grandmother, and 2 aunts to go visit aunt in Ohio and strength for Mom & aunts as they take care of Grandmother and Ohio aunt as both are wheelchair bound.
--The Sewell's--Please pray for out daughter in China, Blair, while she waits for us.
--Kiley's Boss's daughter, Mary Abbogtt Crain diagnosed with Rheumotoid Arthritis. She is 12 years old.
--Stephanie B.--positive realationship with her Dad.
--Willie's friend -Lamar Oliver, Pastor in Morgan city, LA. Flood preparation.
--Clista--back pain--situation getting worse.
--Mike Whitworth--Trouble at work (again).
--Mike & Amy--pray for our house to sell and for God to provide a job for us.Posted by Unknown at 2:50 PM |
Stephanie's Easter pics
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
These are a few of Stephanie's Easter pictures. This slideshow will remain under the "Slideshow" page as well. Stephanie does have more photos on her blog if you would like to see the full collection. This is just a sampling due to storage limits.
Posted by Unknown at 10:09 AM |
Sunday 5-9-11 recap
Monday, May 9, 2011
******Happy Mother's Day to all!******
Brenda shared a quote that could sum up Sunday's lesson:
Jesus Christ is absolutely necessary but absolutely enough!
Colossians 2:8-23 reminds us that there is nothing we can or need to do to earn our salvation. It is only because of what Jesus has done for us that we can stand before God. The reality we have in Christ is that He has connected us to the Father in a spirtual union that only He can hold. And we can rest assured that if He is the holder there is nothing that can separate us!
We must be careful to not let any deceptive philosophy take us captive. In this day and age there are so many thoughts and teachings that sound good, but salvation comes only through the one and true Jesus. We can come to know Him through His word, the Bible. He has given us the treasure of Scripture as life-giving words. Do we treasure these words as "life" or do we see them as a rule book?
View the link below and ask yourself how much do you treasure God's word?http://vimeo.com/17025038
--May 22-Ashley's Prayer & Pampers will be @ Jennifer Bearden's house at 4pm.
--Men's Bible Study every Tuesday. (see previous post)
--June 12--Sunday School Social during the 9:15 hour in class. Prayer Requests:
-Brenda-Pray for Jim's counts to be up so he can take another treatment on Tuesday.
-Christy C.-Alex's ear infection to clear up. He's on his 3rd antibiotic.Posted by Unknown at 10:29 AM |
Sunday, 5-1-11 recap
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
It was a very somber place in Sunday School this morning as everyone was swapping stories about the tornado and the path of destruction it left behind. It was hard to go on with business as usual. Everyone was either directly effected or knew someone that had been. Many of our own class members were still without power, or morning for the loss of property of loved ones. To my knowledge no immediate family members of our class were lost during the storms, but countless friends or co-workers, or releatives were directly hit or injured. We of course will pray for these families for months to come. You can contact the church website or church office for countless opportunities to help during this time.
Business as usual---should we ever really live our lives like business as usual. Our lesson was entitled Keep on Keeping On. Our faith urges and demands that we keep on in the faith. But our faith must never simply be business as usual. We must continue to work out our salvation. Brenda wrote a quote on the board-- "The faith that fizzles before the finish was flawed from the first." If you find yourself fizzling or wavering, be sure to examine your faith. Look to God above and trust in Him. Colossians 2:6 says, "So then just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live in him." How did you recieve Christ? by grace through faith. How do we continue to live in Him? by grace through faith. That faith grows and develops and maybe doubts and struggles but never shall we turn completely from it. There may be times, incredibly difficult times of wavering but God's grace will reign victorius and if we listen, we will hear His voice calling us back to Him. Thank you God for being faithful to forgive us and cleanse us from all unrighteousness if we confess and repent our sins!
--Men's Study meets every Tuesday at 6am. Currently going through the Fatal Distractions Bible Study. For more information see Brian Sewell.
--5/22/11--Prayer & Pampers for Ashley Lybrand will be held at Jennifer Bearden's house at 4pm. Sign up to bring a salty or sweet in class.
--The worship center will be undergoing some renovations to accompany the change in the Worship Venue. The 10:45 Contemporary service will be moving from the gym into the "big" sanctuary. If you prefer a more traditional worship service you will have the option of attending worship first and attend a Sunday School at 10:45. The current teacher is David Livingston. --However, we don't want to lose any of you in our current Sunday School ;)
Prayer Requests:
--Scott Thomas' Dad will be going into Emory Medical Center in Atlanta on Wednesday to put a stint in his heart and possibly an angioplasty.
--Christy- Pray that the hole in Alex's eardrum will heal. Pray for Dana Johns & her 3 kids that lost everything in the tornado. Also, Uncle James Englebert has pancreatic cancer.
--Brenda--(B-i-l) Jim's continued ability to receive treatment.
--Kenneth Battle family (Shades Valley) lost everything.Posted by Unknown at 10:28 AM |
Sunday, 4/24/11 updates
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Happy Easter!!!
John 20:1-23
The Empty Tomb
1 Early on the first day of the week, while it was still dark, Mary Magdalene went to the tomb and saw that the stone had been removed from the entrance. 2 So she came running to Simon Peter and the other disciple, the one Jesus loved, and said, "They have taken the Lord out of the tomb, and we don't know where they have put him!" 3 So Peter and the other disciple started for the tomb. 4 Both were running, but the other disciple outran Peter and reached the tomb first. 5 He bent over and looked in at the strips of linen lying there but did not go in. 6 Then Simon Peter, who was behind him, arrived and went into the tomb. He saw the strips of linen lying there, 7 as well as the burial cloth that had been around Jesus' head. The cloth was folded up by itself, separate from the linen. 8 Finally the other disciple, who had reached the tomb first, also went inside. He saw and believed. 9 (They still did not understand from Scripture that Jesus had to rise from the dead.)
Jesus Appears to Mary Magdalene
10 Then the disciples went back to their homes, 11 but Mary stood outside the tomb crying. As she wept, she bent over to look into the tomb 12 and saw two angels in white, seated where Jesus' body had been, one at the head and the other at the foot. 13 They asked her, "Woman, why are you crying?" "They have taken my Lord away," she said, "and I don't know where they have put him." 14 At this, she turned around and saw Jesus standing there, but she did not realize that it was Jesus. 15 "Woman," he said, "why are you crying? Who is it you are looking for?" Thinking he was the gardener, she said, "Sir, if you have carried him away, tell me where you have put him, and I will get him." 16 Jesus said to her, "Mary." She turned toward him and cried out in Aramaic, "Rabboni!" (which means Teacher). 17 Jesus said, "Do not hold on to me, for I have not yet returned to the Father. Go instead to my brothers and tell them, 'I am returning to my Father and your Father, to my God and your God.' " 18 Mary Magdalene went to the disciples with the news: "I have seen the Lord!" And she told them that he had said these things to her.
Jesus Appears to His Disciples
19 On the evening of that first day of the week, when the disciples were together, with the doors locked for fear of the Jews, Jesus came and stood among them and said, "Peace be with you!" 20 After he said this, he showed them his hands and side. The disciples were overjoyed when they saw the Lord. 21 Again Jesus said, "Peace be with you! As the Father has sent me, I am sending you." 22 And with that he breathed on them and said, "Receive the Holy Spirit. 23 If you forgive anyone his sins, they are forgiven; if you do not forgive them, they are not forgiven."
--May 1st- Special Baptism service after worship on Sunday. For those wanting a low key, no video or "bells & whistles" service. Come celebrate with those who have given their life to the Lord and want to follow Him in baptism.
--May 22-Prayer & Pampers Shower for Ashley Lybrand will be held at Jennifer Bearden's casa.
-June 12 is our next Sunday School Social during classtime. Plan on a fun time of getting to know each other and a breakfast potluck.
--VBS Meeting for volunteers--Tuesday, 4/26/11. It's not too late to sign up to help out! There is a place for you!
--Jason L.--praise his nose biopsy came back normal and no scare of cancer.
--Chad's grandmother--still in hospital. Her strokes left her unable to move.
--Logan will have his tonsils out 4/27/11
--Whites-continue to pray for job search
--Mike A.-surgery is scheduled for 8/18.Posted by Unknown at 9:03 AM |
4/17/11 Updates
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Prayer Requests:
Mike White-lost his job
Scott--his Dad will be having a stress test on Wednesday. Also Scott's brother's wife if scheduled for a C-section early Wednesday morning. Praise that his cousin Daryl is home and beginning the healing process. Please pray all the cancer is gone.
Easter Egg Hunt/Picnic- 4/23- **TIME CHANGE**-The Egg hunt will be first beginning at 11:30-be sure to bring your own picnic, chairs, blankets, riding toys, etc. You can contact Ashley to bring a side item.
New Men's Bible Study beginning next Tuesday, April 26th. We are going to do the study called Fatal Distractions by Ed Young Jr. http://www.lifeway.com/product/001268737/. It is an 8 session study that looks at the Seven Deadly Sins. We meet in the CLC room 203 at 6:00 am every Tuesday morning. We take turns bringing in biscuits for the group. We are usually out around 7:00 – 7:15; so everyone can get to work. If you are interested please contact Brian SewellPosted by Unknown at 8:38 AM |
Update from Brenda
Friday, April 15, 2011
Based on our consult with the surgeon yesterday, Mike says he is "98%" sure he will opt for the robotic surgery. Dr. Tully was easy to talk with and answered all our questions. We are blessed to have him in B'ham! Once Mike chooses to make the phone call, it will take 4-6 weeks to get on the surgical docket.
So, pray for God's timing of the surgery, assuming that is what Mike decides. The option of surgery first gives him more options should the cancer ever recur. Since this is a slow growing type of cancer, we do not feel rushed to do anything, but at the same time, want it taken care of.
On another note, pray for Jim, my brother-in-law, who will get back results today from tests run yesterday to see the latest status of his renal cancer that jumped to his lung. Jim is very tired from 10 consecutive rounds of treatment and is dealing with serious mouth sores from the drugs. We are praying for total healing for his body this side of heaven, if God sees fit.Posted by Unknown at 10:22 AM |
Thursday, April 14, 2011
We will be starting a new study in our Tuesday morning men’s group on Tuesday, April 26th. We are going to do the study called Fatal Distractions by Ed Young Jr. http://www.lifeway.com/product/001268737/. It is an 8 session study that looks at the Seven Deadly Sins. We meet in the CLC room 203 at 6:00 am every Tuesday morning. We take turns bringing in biscuits for the group. We are usually out around 7:00 – 7:15; so everyone can get to work. If you are interested please contact Brian SewellPosted by Unknown at 3:10 PM |
Sunday 4-10-11 Recap
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Jennifer Colburn's Prayer & Pampers Shower Prayer Requests:- Mike & Amy W. -Emma will have eye surgery May 11th. Please pray for wisdom to know how to talk to her about this without it being fearful for her.
- Jason L.-waiting on test results from a cancerous spot on his nose.
- Vesla L.- Gma-Peggy Gunby is still having dementia trouble and the nursing home is messing up meds. Also pray for wisdom on prep for Chad's deployment. Logan has been having a hard time with Chad going to work on a daily basis even though we haven't told him Chad will be leaving in July.
- Jennifer B. -brother having colonoscopy on Tuesday. (possible blood in colon) Also-unspoken.
- Christy C. - Alex is having surgery on his ears on April 22 at St. Vincents. Brother David E. coming home in the next couble of weeks from Afghanistan. Please pray for safe travel. His wife and kids will be driving from Tuscon, AZ to Al. Please pray for safe travels for them too. One unspoken.
- Mike- Doctor appointment has been rescheduled again for early Wednesday morning. Please pray for wisdom in the course of treatment.
- Easter Picnic-4/23/11- @ the Akridge farm starting at 11am. Be sure to bring your family's picnic, kids' toys, bikes, chairs, blankets, etc. Each family should bring one dozen filled eggs (no chocolate) next Sunday, 4/17 to class so Mike & Brenda can have them hidden before we get there. Sign up to bring a side item with Ashely L.
Lesson Recap:
We enjoyed a special treat with a monologue given by "Paul," the disciple also known as Tommy Coshat. Tommy did a great job reciting the entire book of Phillipians while dressed in Biblical clothing and chains. It was a wonderful picture of Paul as he addressed the believers at Phillipi and a great encouragement to us today to hide God's word in our heart!
A key thought from our lesson could be Know God - Know peace vs. No God - No peace. Isaiah 26:3 says God will keep those in perfect peace whose mind is fixed on Him. God is faithful to provide all of our needs we just have to remember that "what I don't acpquire, I don't require." True contentment comes not from the things we own but WHO we know. God is the source of true contentment and Paul lived knowing that full well. Paul said that he had learned the secret of being content and that he could do everything through Christ who gives him strength. He wrote those words to the Philippians from a jail cell. Contentment is living with a sense of sufficiency no matter what the circumstances. Wrong thinking leads to wrong feelings. And wrong feelings can lead to wrong behavior.
Brenda shared that while her kids were growing up they used a "4:8" test on things. Philippians 4:8 says, "Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable--if anything is excellent or praiseworthy-think about such things." Do your thoughts pass the 4:8 test. If you are struggling knowing if something is right just 4:8 it! We must guard our hearts and MINDS against wrong thinking.
Posted by Unknown at 10:44 AM |
Sunday, 3/27 recap
Monday, March 28, 2011
Announcements: 4/10/11 - Sunday, 3pm - Prayers & Pampers Shower for Jennifer Colburn. Will be held at Lisa's house. Sign up to bring something salty or sweet in class. 4/23/11 - Saturday, 11am - Annual Easter Egg Hunt @ the Akridge farm. Everybody bring a dozen filled (no chocolate) plastic Eggs. Some empty ones will be available in class if you don't have any. Bring your chairs/blankets, kid's play toys,etc.and we will have a picnic. The Hunt for eggs will be held first then we will eat.Prayer Requests/Praises:
- Mike Akridge- Tuesday afternoon, consult with doctors to determine treatment options for cancer. Brenda Akridge - for Jim (her b-i-l) to be able to take treatment #9 for his cancer
- Scott Thomas - praise that his cousin Daryl came through surgery to remove the cancer in his jaw. Please pray infection stays away and complete healing occurs.
- Entrep family during their grieving process.
I. Paul's Example (vv 12-18)
II. Timothy's Example (vv19-24)
III. Epaphroditus' Example (vv25-30)So you've become a Christian....now what? Paul says continue to work out your salvation. Saving grace is instantaneous, but the sanctification process is lifelong. We give control of our lives to God and He gives us His energy to grow in Him. There is nothing we can do to earn our place in Heaven. Jesus takes care of that, but we must continue to surrender our lives and choose His path this side of Heaven. We can do that partly by following Paul's example, as well as, Timothy and Epaphroditus as discussed in this chapter of Philippians.
Paul said we should do everything without complaining or arguing. Boy is that a behavior check? This world is crooked and depraved and has been even since Biblical times, but we are to exemplify what it means to be children of God nevertheless. Paul demonstrates that salvation worked out in our lives would effect our behavior, our beliefs, and our disposition.Timothy's example showed genuine concern for others. We are to "shine like stars in the universe." One way we can do this is to not just be concerned with ourselves but to seek out others needs and show concern for them.
Epaphroditus's example perhaps might be the most challenging of all. He came close to death for the work of Christ. He loved the Philippians to the point of he was more concerned that they were so worried about his illness. He did not quit serving in his illness. He showed the epitome of selflessness.As we hold up the mirror in our own lives I pray we will be challenged to not be the same but to live out this new nature that God has given us.
Posted by Unknown at 9:21 AM |
Joy Despite People - Philippians 2 - 3/20/11
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Joy Despite PeoplePhilippians 2:1 - 11Read: Ch 1: 27 - 30, Ch 2: 1 - 4, 5 - 11The Single Mind = The Submissive MindIf Jesus Christ in not Lord of all, He is not Lord at all.- Paul is encouraging and tell them how to be unified and of one mind.
- Since they have the common ground, there is encouragement, love, affection for one another, and empathy/sympathy with and for one another.
- In humility think of others more significant than yourself.
- Don't think less of yourself but put others needs ahead of your won
- We see the ultimate example of humility when Jesus stepped down from Heaven to offer himself for us.
- Jesus obeyed by his death on the cross.
- Think about what it was like for Jesus to give up Heaven to come to earth. Remember that He was full God and fully human/man at the same time.
- Jesus willingly took on human form so he knows how to intercede for us...yet he was without sin.
- And he also willingly died on the cross for each of us.
- One day all will bow down and confess that he is Lord.
In closing...- Jesus is the ultimate example as one who came to serve, not to be served.
- How does obedience characterize your life?
- If you know him as Savior and Lord what is the sacrifice and "cost" to you as a Christian.
Prayer Requests- Paula and Brian - friend, Amanda, dealing with postpartum depression. Pray for their adoption - hopefully they will be matched soon. Also, pray for her sister, Joyce, unspoken.
- Mike and Brenda - guidance on selecting a method of treatment for Mike's prostate cancer.
- Drew and Kris - safe travels for Drew this week.
Posted by Unknown at 8:52 PM |
Joy Despite CircumstancesPhilippians 1:1 - 30Read: 3 - 11, 12 - 18, 19 - 26, 27 - 30Focus: JoySingle Minds: The attitude that it makes no difference what happens to me as long as Jesus Christ is glorified and the gospel is shared.For me to live is _______
- Focusing on the God of our circumstances instead of our circumstances
- Paul was miles away from the Philippian believers but they were always on his mind and in his heart.
- It's the Christian love that us us apart.
- Paul prays for their love to abound and grow, to be discerning in their love, and to be pure and blameless, filled with the fruit of righteousness.
- Remember that Paul is chained in a Roman prison. Doors were opened as he is a prisoner because of the four guards that see and hear him during the day.
- Paul is being tried because of his religious belief and so the "religious leaders" have to study (another opportunity to share the gospel) to see if there is any validity to his beliefs.
- Other believers are being encouraged because of Paul
- Paul just wants the gospel to be spread...there is no selfish motive.
- There IS power in the gospel
- Paul would rather die to be with Jesus but he knows that God has a purpose.
- Paul charged them to be unified and to defend the faith - it's the set of beliefs that make Christianity.
- Be consistent in your walk, as children of God and walk in a way worthy of the Gospel.
- God has granted to us and given to us the priviledge of suffering for Christ - there is purpose behind our suffering.
- Paul said...for me to live is Christ and to die is gain.
- How would we fill this in - For me to live is ________.
- Think about other believers you know and how frequently you think of and pray for them.
- Do you circumstances steal your joy?
- What is your single purpose in life?
- Was is the one thing you want to do before you die or before Christ comes back?
Prayer Requests- Leah Irwin's Dad - fell off the ladder las night - 4 stitches on the back of his head, but had a clear CAT scan - he's very sore.
- Brent Bostic - friend of Leah Irwin - diagnosed with Hodgkin's this week
- A missionary - Kandy - has breast cancer - will be in our missionary house to receive treatment.
- Madeline - tonsilectomey on Tuesdsay, 3/15
- Emily - pray for her great aunt Wonzel (in the hospital) Pray for her mom as she cares for them.
Posted by Unknown at 8:24 PM |
Sunday, 3/8/11, Recap
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Prayer Requests:- Krista-unspoken
- Amy E.-brother-in-law, Jeff Harris, for his health and learning life with Diabetes
- Stephanie B.-for my 15 month old daughter (Jillian) to walk
- Ashely F.-mother of one of my Upward Cheerleaders passed away Friday night.
- Julie-sister-in-law readmitted to hospital Saturday night w/a fever of 102. She's on antibiotics for infection. The fever has gone down some. Should be home Monday or Tuesday.
- Scott T.-cousin Daryl to have surgery 3/21 for cancer in his jaw. He also has Leukemia.
- Vesla-will have a follow up visit on Friday.
- Welcome Jennifer B. as our newest class member! So glad to have you with us!
- Time Change-Spring Forward-March 13.--Yes, we lose an hour of sleep but we gain lots of daylight. yay!
- Parent's Night Out for Preschoolers, March 25th.
- March 20, Sunday-Visiting Children's Harbor-meet there at 2pm--contact Emily for more details
- April 10th, Sunday 3pm @ Lisa T.'s house-Prayer & Pampers for Jennifer C. We'll sign up to bring something salty, & sweet closer to the day.
- Saturday, April 23-Annual Easter Egg Hunt at Mike & Brenda's. Bring a dozen filled eggs-no chocolate please.
- March 13th will be Drew R.'s last Sunday with us before deployment. Be sure to come and help send him off this coming Sunday.
Devotional recap:
We are beginning a new study this quarter in the book of Phillipians--yay, no more hard to pronounce names. Mike and Brenda gave us an overview of the book and it's central theme of JOY.
A good way to remember the essence of JOY is the following acrostic.
J-Jesus First
O-Other's Second
Y-You last
Posted by Unknown at 8:19 AM |
Sunday, 2-27-2011 recap:
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Announcements:- Sunday Social-next Sunday March 6th in Sunday School. We'll have a short devotional and spend the hour getting to know one another better. Potluck breakfast. Be sure to be there at 9:15am
- March 5, 2011, Saturday-Visiting Children's Harbor-Please continue to bring deo for the hygiene bags. Contact Emily if you want to go.
Prayer Requests/Praises:
- Clista-Sinus infection
- Brenda-Praise-Jim was able to take his treatment on Tues.
- Julie-Aunt dealing with husband and mom w/dimentia (Julie's grandmother); Sis-in-law having a C-section Wed. (Complicated/high risk pregnancy)
- Brady-grandmother w/lung cancer
- Scott T.-cousin Daryl Stovall battling cancer in his jaw and Leukemia. He will be setting up a surgery to replace bone from his leg into his jaw.
Posted by Unknown at 12:52 PM |
Sunday, 2-20-11
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Praise/Prayer Requests:- Jason & Ashley--Praise! its a girl and she is healthy.
- Brenda-for Jim's platelets to be up so he can take his treatment Tuesday
- Sunday Social--March 6, Sunday--9:15am in our classroom. We will have a good time of fellowship and Mike & Brenda will give a devotional. You can sign up to bring something with Ashley. This is a great way for us to visit with each other and childcare is taken care of.
Lesson Recap: 2 Kings 18-19
"When the outlook is bleak, try the uplook."
Hope=confident trust in God
These chapters give us a look at the account of Hezekiah's reign as king. He did what was right in the eyes of the Lord unlike so many kings before him. The foe is King Sennacharib (Mike really enjoyed saying his name.) Sennacharib trys to set Hezekiah up as the one deceiving the people. But God is on Hezekiah's side and shows them all who is boss. (my paraphrase...lol) In a time where Hezekiah's very reputation and belief system are coming into question he doesn't lose hope, he turns to God in prayer. This is the only adequate response. He didn't try to take things into his own hands, he put them in the hands of the One that could truly provide. His prayer shows that he knows God as the one true God, that he believes God is able and that He has the power to provide the salvation they need for the moment. The beauty of the close of the prayer is that he prays all of this to give God the glory so that all kingdoms may know Him.
God does answer Hezekiah's prayer and shows up on the battle field as the angel of the Lord and slays 185,000 men. Hezekiah's men never even had to strike a sword. Sennacharib was taken care of as well, as he fled back to Ninevah and then was killed by 2 of his own sons.
Mike reminded us that It's one thing when a king speaks or a president, etc.....its another when the Lord speaks. We can always have hope, no matter how bleak things are because we know the ending is in God's hands.
Questions of application-
- What is your biggest battle in your life?
- Where is your hope? confidence? trust?
- Do you even have hope?
- Do you expect God to show up?
God knows our battle. We need to turn to Him in prayer. We can claim a promise in Scripture and not be afraid. Fear says I do not trust God.
If you are having trouble in turning to God for something going on in your life right now, do not try to go it alone. We want to help. Turn to someone in our class, or to Mike and Brenda. God is able to carry you through whatever you are facing.
Posted by Unknown at 8:46 AM |
Children's Harbor Social-Saturday night
Saturday, February 19, 2011
As a class we wanted to do something to help instill in our children the priority of helping others. Our Ministry coordinator Emily introduced us to Children's Harbor. We needed something that we could do together with our kids so we decided to pack hygiene kits to be provided to the families who were staying in the facilities overnight. Our kids made Get Well cards and helped pack the items in bags. We made a total of 89 complete bags and had a variety of miscellaneous items to contribute to future kits.Here is a quick video of the process:The following is a description of Children's Harbor found on their website: http://www.childrensharbor.com/When a child is diagnosed with a long-term serious illness, the entire family is swept into a turbulent sea of change. There is never-ending travel and treatment. There are physical challenges, emotional challenges, and financial challenges. Fortunately, there is also a refuge - a safe harbor - Children's Harbor. The following is a description of just some of the services Children's Harbor offers:■Individual counseling helps individual family members to identify, understand, and resolve personal and relationship difficulties.
■Family counseling helps a family work together more effectively and supports the growth and development of all its members.
■Parent and child relationship counseling helps the child and parent explore ways to maintain balance and strengthen their relationship through effective communication and cooperation.
■Parenting training provides parents with effective methods for improving their parenting skills.
■Play therapy provides opportunities for clients to express their feelings through therapeutic play.
■Coping techniques teach skills related to reducing and managing stress and anxiety.
■Support groups are provided for people in similar circumstances to develop new relationships, share methods of coping, and encourage each other.
■Social support services assist families with referrals, transportation, housing, and other social needs which have evolved due to the child's illness
Posted by Unknown at 8:10 PM |
Sunday 2-13-11 Recap
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Prayer Requests:- Jason & Ashley--Ultrasound on Thursday to find out the gender fo the baby. Look for email on Friday after they tell their parents. ;)
- Brenda--Jim (b-i-l) to be able to continue treatments for cancer
- Krista--Christy Dooley & family as she goes through treatments for breast cancer
- Brian & Liz Sanders--b-i-l and sister of Jennifer Michaelson
- Jason & Susan Flebott--Jarrod & Stacie Robinson--Jason (35yrs old) has been diagnosed with inoperable stage 4 colon cancer. They have 4 children.
- Continue praying for Pastor Buddy's daughter Grace. You can follow updates on his blog at http://www.buddychampion.wordpress.com/
- Saturday Feb. 19th--Chili social & Ministy project--big day for packing Hygiene kits....see previous post
- March 6th-First Sunday Social in class--sign up for potluck will be passed around in class, or you can contact Ashley.
- Be sure to register for the Preschool Parent's Night Out, through the church website, coming up on Friday, March 25th.
Lesson Recap:
About Face!
Deut. 4:1-2, 6, 2 Kings 17:5-13, `4-23, 41, 2 Pt. 3:9
- Forgot God's Mercy (v7)
- Imitated the ungodly (v8)
- Turned a deaf ear to God's preacher (v 13-18)
- Worshipped the Lord, but not exclusively (v32-34, 41)
- Israel thought they could sin secretly and get away with it.--Are we deceiving ourselves in thinking we can hide our sin from God?
- They knew God's laws--God had sent His prophets and they ignored them. --Are we ignoring God's word?
- They became worthless like the idols they worshipped--Are we worshipping worthless idols?
- Are we becoming immune to God's warning?
- What is it in our lives that would cause anger in God's eyes?
- How has God spoken warnings to us?
- What has been our response to those warnings?
The only appropriate response is Repentance--to make an about face! When we make that about face we will be staring into the face of God. When we turn from our sin God will lead our paths straight. God is full of grace, turn to Him today!
Posted by Unknown at 10:15 AM |
1/6/11 recap
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Announcements:- Hygenie kit packing day Social--Feb 19, 5:30-8:00pm in the Blythe Equipping Room. We are having Chili and goodies. Sign up to bring something in class or contact Emily. Don't forget to bring your travel size toiletries. Scroll down and see the sidebar for ideas for collections.
- We need some volunteers to take birthday cakes to Springville and Margaret schools once a month. Please see Emily to help out.
- TEAM food collection--fill a bag with some groceries to help fill the local food bank. Return items February 13th.
- Julie-grandmother in nursing home with dementia and brain seizures. Adjusted meds, seems more alert. Cooper has tube out of right ear and left is almost out. A lot of pressure is on the right. Pray he stays healthy & tubes don't have to be replaced.
- Clista Whitworth-Kaitlin has upper respiratory infection
- Robert-his boss is departing to Puerto Rico/health issues.
Lesson Recap:
(2 Kings 9-10)--Today was an amazing lesson on our passion in Christ. Simply put, are we where we need to be or where we could be in our relationship with Christ? If not, why not? Mike and Brenda gave us a strong challenge to adjust our lives so that they will line up with where God wants us. The world has one standard, but God's is a far cry from the world. By which standard are we living our lives? Do we think we are ok, because we have cleaned up our act by the things we say, or the fact that our name is on a church roll, or perhaps because we volunteer left and right? Is that really all God desires of us? Let's not be satisfied with where we are simply because we measure up to the status quo of the church. Let's give every aspect of our lives to God. In Revelation, the writer notes that God would rather us be hot or cold but if we are lukewarm he wants to vomit us out of his mouth. How would you rate your passion, your love, your zeal for God? God's love can reach into every area of our hearts and lives. It is powerful enough to transform the coldest heart. And its power continues to drive the strongest to reach for more. It is full of amazing grace. God so desires us to live in a love relationship with Him. His love for us is reason enough to respond with our lives in worship!
Posted by Unknown at 10:19 AM |
Friday, February 4, 2011
Congrats to Chad & Vesla Lochte!
Everett Lochte arrived
February 1st at 2:08PM
7lbs, 9 oz
20 1/2 inches long(and has a head full of hair)If you would like to sign up to help provide a meal in the next week, please go to http://www.takethemameal.com/. For login information contact Lisa.Posted by Unknown at 3:57 PM |
Sunday, 1-30-11 recap
Monday, January 31, 2011
We certainly missed Mike and Brenda but hope they had a great weekend with their "grands." We enjoyed having returning guests as well as a wonderful new couple! We hope to see you again soon!Announcements:
- We are starting a new study in our Tuesday Morning Men’s Group. The study is called The Man God Uses by Henry and Tom Blackaby. It is a seven week book/dvd study. We will meet each Tuesday morning at 6:00 am in CLC room 203. We are out between 7:00 and 7:15 depending on when you need to get to work. Our first week will be Tuesday, February 8th. We will meet at 6:00 am at Cracker Barrel this Tuesday (February 1st) to have a fellowship breakfast before we get started. Please let Brian Sewell know if you are interested in the study.
- Don't forget about our Chili fellowship on Feb. 19th. Sign up with Emily to bring something. See previous post for more info.
- March 6th will be our first Sunday Social. We will have a devotional in Sunday School and then use the majority of the hour for fellowship. And of course we will have food! A potluck sign up will be passed around in class. More information will follow or you can contact Ashley.
Prayer Requests:
- Grace Champion - you can read updates on Buddy's blog @ http://buddychampion.wordpress.com/
- Christy Chambers-Friend Becky Edwards undergoing radiation treament for thyroid cancer.
- Vesla- Delivery is set for Feb. 1st. if her appointment on Monday doesn't neccesitate earlier.
- Kate Rush-will be getting tubes
- Julie & Brady Cox-J's sis-in-law w/difficult pregnancy needs to go 4 more weeks. B's G'mother re-diagnosed with lung cancer. J's G-mother in nursing home, dementia, & brain seizures
- Emily & Michael-friend from former church Nigel lost his mom suddenly
- Brenda-brother-in-law Jim to be able to continue treatment on Tuesday
Posted by Unknown at 8:54 AM |