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  1. Sunday, 9-25-11 recap

    Wednesday, September 28, 2011


    (See details from previous posts)
    Oct. 21-Tailgating party
    Nov. 5.-Hayride @ the Akridges
    Bring candy to the Event Center to donate to the Fall Family Night (Trunk-or-Treat)
    Men's Bible Study--Tuesdays 6am

    Prayer Requests:

    --Mike--Praise the Lord-recovery still going well
    --Vesla-Chad is struggling with his deployment.  Aunt (Moms's sister) separated from husband and has moved up here form FL. She is unsure of future and taking care of grandmother and not doing well.  She is down to 104lbs. and very hostile.
    --Stephanie--my cousin Jake (17 yrs) struggling with drug abuse and emotional stress.
    --Brady-both grandmothers and parents .  Julie & Joe & Katy Bridges (loss of baby.)