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  1. Sunday 4-10-11 Recap

    Tuesday, April 12, 2011

    Jennifer Colburn's Prayer & Pampers Shower Prayer Requests:
  2. Mike & Amy W. -Emma will have eye surgery May 11th. Please pray for wisdom to know how to talk to her about this without it being fearful for her.

  3. Jason L.-waiting on test results from a cancerous spot on his nose.

  4. Vesla L.- Gma-Peggy Gunby is still having dementia trouble and the nursing home is messing up meds. Also pray for wisdom on prep for Chad's deployment. Logan has been having a hard time with Chad going to work on a daily basis even though we haven't told him Chad will be leaving in July.

  5. Jennifer B. -brother having colonoscopy on Tuesday. (possible blood in colon) Also-unspoken.

  6. Christy C. - Alex is having surgery on his ears on April 22 at St. Vincents. Brother David E. coming home in the next couble of weeks from Afghanistan. Please pray for safe travel. His wife and kids will be driving from Tuscon, AZ to Al. Please pray for safe travels for them too. One unspoken.

  7. Mike- Doctor appointment has been rescheduled again for early Wednesday morning. Please pray for wisdom in the course of treatment.

  8. Announcements:

  9. Easter Picnic-4/23/11- @ the Akridge farm starting at 11am. Be sure to bring your family's picnic, kids' toys, bikes, chairs, blankets, etc. Each family should bring one dozen filled eggs (no chocolate) next Sunday, 4/17 to class so Mike & Brenda can have them hidden before we get there. Sign up to bring a side item with Ashely L.

  10. Lesson Recap:

    We enjoyed a special treat with a monologue given by "Paul," the disciple also known as Tommy Coshat. Tommy did a great job reciting the entire book of Phillipians while dressed in Biblical clothing and chains. It was a wonderful picture of Paul as he addressed the believers at Phillipi and a great encouragement to us today to hide God's word in our heart!

    A key thought from our lesson could be Know God - Know peace vs. No God - No peace. Isaiah 26:3 says God will keep those in perfect peace whose mind is fixed on Him. God is faithful to provide all of our needs we just have to remember that "what I don't acpquire, I don't require." True contentment comes not from the things we own but WHO we know. God is the source of true contentment and Paul lived knowing that full well. Paul said that he had learned the secret of being content and that he could do everything through Christ who gives him strength. He wrote those words to the Philippians from a jail cell. Contentment is living with a sense of sufficiency no matter what the circumstances. Wrong thinking leads to wrong feelings. And wrong feelings can lead to wrong behavior.

    Brenda shared that while her kids were growing up they used a "4:8" test on things. Philippians 4:8 says, "Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable--if anything is excellent or praiseworthy-think about such things." Do your thoughts pass the 4:8 test. If you are struggling knowing if something is right just 4:8 it! We must guard our hearts and MINDS against wrong thinking.