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  1. 10/9/11-Sunday recap

    Monday, October 10, 2011


    Welcome New Members
     Kevin & Andrea Smith to our class!
    Glad you are here!

    --Hayride****DATE CHANGE****Now set for October 30th, Sunday beginning at 3:30pm.  Be sure to bring your kids riding toys, chairs and sign up for food will be coming in Sunday School.
    --Oct. 21-- 6pm-Tailgating party--be sure to get your childcare money to Krista ASAP.  If you need to bring it by her office that is fine.  $6/child.  Sign up for food items in Sunday School or email Krista.
    --Julie Cox's Prayer and Pampers set for November 20th at Lisa's house.

    Prayer Requests:
    --Freddy Bishop--separation issues with kids
    --Jason & Ashley-praise that Carter's infection in his knee is healing.
    --Vesla-Chad had a rough week and wanting to come home. Praise that cousin and baby Jax are doing well.  Also, praise for baby Levi.  2 Unspoken requests for Vesla
    --Scott--continued prayer for a new job.  Praise that Ryan's hand was not broken!