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  1. Sunday, 11-29-11 recap

    Tuesday, November 29, 2011


    Welcome Robert & Jennifer Pannell as our newest members!

    December 9th-6pm-8:30pm-Parent's Night Out--Preschoolers & their siblings through 4th grade.  & Class Christmas Party-after you drop off your kids come to Stephanie's house.  Sign up in class to bring a goodie.

    Christmas Day-One service only at 10am (no childcare)

    Prayer Requests:

    Christy C.-Alex's procedure on Friday, Dec.2 will be put to sleep to have 2 molars extracted; friend Karen & her husband Phil had a brain tumor removed & he's about to start chemo; Shannon's co-worker & her mother were killed in the accident on Hwy 280 last Friday.
    Vesla-Aunt Karen (as they remove feeding tube) and her son Matt that he will come to his mother's side.  2 unspokens
    Robert & Laurie Beth-friend's health
    Angela & Jennifer-Mom's knee surgery recovery.  Dad's MRI
    Julie-co-worker's Grandfather passed away; another co-worker's Dad had a tumor in his bladder, got 95% of it out (he is 85 yrs old); family friend with baby born at 32 weeks has some neurological damage, extent wont' be known for 8 more months at least.
    Jennifer-neighbor collapsed in yard.  William is in the hospital on a ventilator and no update on his condition.
    Scott-3 possible job interviews this week.

  2. Sunday, 11/13/11 recap

    Tuesday, November 15, 2011

    --Julie's Prayer and Pampers-November 20th-4:30pm- will be at Lisa's house. Sign up to bring a salty/ sweet snack in class.
    ---Parent's Night Out - December 9th-6-8:30pm.  Preschool through 4th grade. Deadline to sign up is 11/30! This night will also be our Sunday School Christmas party @ Stephanie's house.  
    --Paula's Prayer & Pampers will take place after they get back from China. We will give money to Krista to get one gift card for them.

    Prayer Requests:
    --Cindy-son Alan left for Marine Corp boot camp Sunday.
    --Vesla-Aunt Karen still not doing well, & cousins Tait & Emily- kids of Uncle that passed

  3. Sunday, 11-6-11 recap

    Tuesday, November 8, 2011

    --Julie's Prayer and Pampers-November 20th-4:30pm- will be at Lisa's house.  Sign up to bring a salty/ sweet snack in class.
    ---Preschool Parent's Night Out - December 9th-6-8:30pmBe sure to sign up EARLY!  This night will also be our Sunday School Christmas party @ Stephanie's house.  Parents with older kids be sure to get a babysitter early too-this is a busy time of year!
    --Paula's Prayer & Pampers will take place after they get back from China.  We will give money to Krista to get one gift card for them.
    --Message from Lance Pate--Wednesday evening, Pastor Buddy shared the Champion's story as well as the next steps for Grace. It is now our job to circle around their family and pray without ceasing. We have created a prayer calendar that will allow all of us to pray for Buddy, Lynn, Macie, Dailey and Grace 24 hours a day. Click on PRAY to sign up for a 15 minute prayer window. Pray during your chosen day and time each week right where you are. We will update Buddy's blog with specific prayer requests as they are communicated to us.

    To hear Buddy's message from Wednesday, November 2 click MY STORY
    To follow Buddy's blog click BUDDY'S BLOG.
    To sign up on the prayer calendar click PRAY

    Praises & Prayer Requests:
    --Christy C.- Aunt Eliazbeth Vaughn is having surgery on MOnday.  She has a major blockage in her artery.
    --Vesla- Mother's side of family & father's side & Step-mom's side of family.
    --Julie & Brady-Glucose test Thursday, Brady travelling until the 18th.
    --Jennifer Bearden-Grandmother passed away on Saturday.  Pray for my mom & her four sisters.
    --Lisa & Scott- Praise that God provided a surprise financially this week.  Bless Him for being our Provider!

  4. We had 86 people at the Akridge farm to enjoy the fun at the hayride, the most we've ever had! What a great day and fun we all had, but we did miss all of you who couldn't make it.  By the way Mike and Brenda found a camp chair, football & frisbee left for someone to claim.

    November 8th-Paula's Prayer & Pampers (date may change)  get money to Krista for group gift card ASAP.
    Nobember 20-Julie's Prayer & Pampers at Lisa's house @ 4:30pm
    December 9-Preschool Parent's Night Out/Class Christmas party 6pm-8:30pm

    Prayer Requests:
    Gillenwaters-travel safety &safety for girls at home
    Elizabeth-friend Julia Beckman going on Mission trip to India next week
    Benzaia's-family & longer days I have 1 more month of sessions; I pray that we can make it
    Kiley-sister (Kay Ferguson) had surgery Monday to remove non-milignant tumor.
    Emily-just pray-long story
    Scott-2 job interviews this week and possible response on another.