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  1. Joy Despite People
    Philippians 2:1 - 11

    Read: Ch 1: 27 - 30, Ch 2: 1 - 4, 5 - 11

    The Single Mind = The Submissive Mind

    If Jesus Christ in not Lord of all, He is not Lord at all.

    • Paul is encouraging and tell them how to be unified and of one mind.
    • Since they have the common ground, there is encouragement, love, affection for one another, and empathy/sympathy with and for one another.
    • In humility think of others more significant than yourself.
    • Don't think less of yourself but put others needs ahead of your won
    • We see the ultimate example of humility when Jesus stepped down from Heaven to offer himself for us.
    • Jesus obeyed by his death on the cross.
    • Think about what it was like for Jesus to give up Heaven to come to earth. Remember that He was full God and fully human/man at the same time.
    • Jesus willingly took on human form so he knows how to intercede for us...yet he was without sin.
    • And he also willingly died on the cross for each of us.
    • One day all will bow down and confess that he is Lord.
    In closing...
    • Jesus is the ultimate example as one who came to serve, not to be served.
    • How does obedience characterize your life?
    • If you know him as Savior and Lord what is the sacrifice and "cost" to you as a Christian.
    Prayer Requests
    • Paula and Brian - friend, Amanda, dealing with postpartum depression. Pray for their adoption - hopefully they will be matched soon. Also, pray for her sister, Joyce, unspoken.
    • Mike and Brenda - guidance on selecting a method of treatment for Mike's prostate cancer.
    • Drew and Kris - safe travels for Drew this week.