- Jason & Ashley--Ultrasound on Thursday to find out the gender fo the baby. Look for email on Friday after they tell their parents. ;)
- Brenda--Jim (b-i-l) to be able to continue treatments for cancer
- Krista--Christy Dooley & family as she goes through treatments for breast cancer
- Brian & Liz Sanders--b-i-l and sister of Jennifer Michaelson
- Jason & Susan Flebott--Jarrod & Stacie Robinson--Jason (35yrs old) has been diagnosed with inoperable stage 4 colon cancer. They have 4 children.
- Continue praying for Pastor Buddy's daughter Grace. You can follow updates on his blog at http://www.buddychampion.wordpress.com/
- Saturday Feb. 19th--Chili social & Ministy project--big day for packing Hygiene kits....see previous post
- March 6th-First Sunday Social in class--sign up for potluck will be passed around in class, or you can contact Ashley.
- Be sure to register for the Preschool Parent's Night Out, through the church website, coming up on Friday, March 25th.
Lesson Recap:
About Face!
Deut. 4:1-2, 6, 2 Kings 17:5-13, `4-23, 41, 2 Pt. 3:9
- Forgot God's Mercy (v7)
- Imitated the ungodly (v8)
- Turned a deaf ear to God's preacher (v 13-18)
- Worshipped the Lord, but not exclusively (v32-34, 41)
- Israel thought they could sin secretly and get away with it.--Are we deceiving ourselves in thinking we can hide our sin from God?
- They knew God's laws--God had sent His prophets and they ignored them. --Are we ignoring God's word?
- They became worthless like the idols they worshipped--Are we worshipping worthless idols?
- Are we becoming immune to God's warning?
- What is it in our lives that would cause anger in God's eyes?
- How has God spoken warnings to us?
- What has been our response to those warnings?
The only appropriate response is Repentance--to make an about face! When we make that about face we will be staring into the face of God. When we turn from our sin God will lead our paths straight. God is full of grace, turn to Him today!