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  1. Sunday, July 29th recap

    Monday, July 30, 2012


    --Welcome new members! 
    Antoin & Kenya Anthony, Heather Shaw, &
    Chris & Mandy Stanford!

    Girls Night Out (GNO)--August 9th-6:30pm at the Three Earred Rabbit--Come if you can for a fun filled night.

    Mystery Dinner--August 17th @ 6:30pm--sign up with Krista or Becky with your top 3 restaurant choices and you will find out which couples you will be paired up with.  Be sure to line up a babysitter bc this is an adult only night out.

    Prayer Requests:

    Ashley F.-friend from high school, Ashley H.  was in a severe car accident Wednesday morning.  She was 19 weeks pregnant.  She gave birth Sat. morning to George Thomas H. who has already passed away.  Pray for comfort and peace.

    Christy C.-mother is having test done on Aug. 8th for a swollen lymph node.

    Heather S.-my best friend is going through a divorce and has three girls and no job right now.  She is trying to find work but its hard.  I took groceries to her Friday.

  2. July 22, Sunday recap

    Friday, July 27, 2012


    Sunday, July 29 will be our Sunday Social at 9:15am.  Everyone bring a potluck breakfast to Sunday School for a time of fellowship after a brief devotion.

    August 17th- Friday-- Class Social--Mystery Dinner.  We will each sign up for our top 3 restaurant choices then get grouped with others to go out to eat.  It will be a mystery who we go out with until we arrive at the restaurant.  After dinner, we will all meet back at the church for a time of dessert.

    Prayer Requests:

    Willie Kesterson traveling this week.  And then the family will be traveling next weekend.

    Our nation--that God's people would elect leaders according to biblical truth.

    Brady & Julie--nephew in hospital w/temp and bp regulation issues (4 yrs old)
    --Cody's ears were clear-praise!  Cooper still fighting ear infection and will need tubes.
    --Julie--co-worker taking care of her two g'kids, mom left 5 weeks ago and has not seen them but 2 times for 1 hour.

    Chad Lochte--I have a friend at work Greg, that is undergoing back surgery that is very important to be successful.

    Vesla--Sister Heidi being induced on Friday.  Pray for smooth delivery with no complications, as well as, for the doctor's and nurses that will be caring for her and her son.

  3. Sunday, July 15th recap

    Wednesday, July 18, 2012


    7/29/12--We will have our Sunday Potluck breakfast social during our Sunday School hour.
    8/17/12--Friday Night--Couples Only Mystery Dinner--6:30pm--be sure to line up those baby sitters.

    Prayer Requests:

    Brenda--my cousins' blood count to improve so she can continue breast cancer treatments

  4. Sunday, July 8, 2012

    Sunday, July 8, 2012

    Girls don't forget the Girls Night Out this Thursday night at 7PM at Yogurt Mountain.
    Also, we will be having our Sunday Social on July 29th during the Sunday School hour.  It will be a potluck breakfast.  Make sure you join us.
    Starting next Sunday, July 15th, all Adult SS classes will having an attendance contest for a Steak Dinner!  Points will be awarded for members in attendance, first time visitors and new members.  Winning team will get a steak dinner on August 29th, with service and desserts served by the losing teams.  Let's win this one folks!  We had 42 in class last week, let's make it happen again!

  5. Sunday, 7-1-12 recap

    Monday, July 2, 2012


    July 4th--Trussville Freedom Celebration---Begins at 6pm, free inflatables, food vendors, and fireworks.  Check with Dore if you can't remember the time you signed up to volunteer.  Someone said we would try to meet and sit together.  I don't have details on this.  Anyone know????

    Girls' Night Out-July 12th-7pm @ Yogurt Mountain

    July 29th--Sunday Social potluck during Sunday School

    Prayer Requests: 

    Brenda--PTL for Jim's good report this past week!

    Julie & Brady--Cooper still has fluid on his ear.  They goo back July 29th to check one more time, then to ENT.  also Julie-- coworker's daughter has basically abandoned her two children to the grandmother.  Youngest one is deaf...6 yr old, & 8 month baby.