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  1. Tuesday, May 29, 2012

    Welcome Baby
    Jamison O'Shields!!
    --She was born this morning, weighing 7 lbs. 11 oz. All are doing well.  They will not have any help from grandparents because they all live out of town/state. So, GIRLS, we want to start meals Thurs. or Friday, depending on when Cindy & Jamison go home. Then, we will do 5 more meals, starting the week of June 4th. They have no food allergies & love most everything.  You can sign up to help on
    (From Brenda)--Missed many of you Sunday - safe travels to you! See everyone next week as we start a new study in Joshua.
    Prayer Requests:
    --Jennifer Bender's & Angela's dad: pray for continued healing & comfort post surgery
    --Stephanie: has experienced continual pain for the last 6 weeks; pray for answers soon from test last week
    --Christy & Shannon: he will have a nerve conduction study & EMG on June 14th. Pray for her cousin Jamie Webster having tests on 5/29 to see if she is a compatible kidney donor for
    their uncle, Sheldon Vaughn, who is on dialysis.
    --Bryan & Ashley Millican: for Ashley's Aunt Phyllis who is undergoing chemo for brain cancer; for the Millicans' house in Grayson Valley to rent out
    --Cindy & Jamison: safe & healthy childbirth for both on Mon. night/Tues. morning

  2. Sunday 5-20-12, recap

    Tuesday, May 22, 2012


    --Keep collecting those travel size hygiene products for our ministry project.  We'll be putting the kits together around June 22 at 6pm.  (Date to be confirmed.) For a list of items see previous posts.

    --GNO--set for Olive Garden at 6:30pm--2nd Thursday of each month the girls get together for a fun night. Please join us and bring a friend.

    Prayer Requests:

    Jennifer & Angela's Dad--surgery is Wednesday at Trinity Hospital for aortic valve replacement.  Pray for peace.

    Brenda-for cousin Carolyn who begins chemo on Tuesday for breast cancer

    Brady& Julie--Cooper has a lot of fluid on ears and can't hear well.  Pray he gets better so we won't have to go to ENT & get tubes AGAIN.

    Jeff & Becky - Jacks rash.

    Christy- Shannon sees the neurologist on Tuesday.

  3. Cindy O'Shields' Shower

    Friday, May 18, 2012

  4. Sunday, May 13 update

    Monday, May 14, 2012


    Welcome Bryan & Ashley Millican, and Chad & Angela Hutchens as new members of our class!
    -Keep saving those travel size hygiene items for our ministry project. We will put them together in June and have a Mexican themed night fellowship as well.
    --Girls' Night Out is set for the second Thursday of the month as a standing fun night for the ladies to get together.  We will meet next on June 14th at Olive Garden at 6:30pm.

    Prayer Requests:

    Max's mother-test on Wednesday for her heart at St. Vincent's

    Jennifer & Angela's Dad-meets with the surgeon on Tuesday to set a date for his aortic valve replacement.

    Daniel-A co-worker who needs the Lord.

    William & Elizabeth-Catherine's school situation

    Abby Wingard-new baby

    Jason & Ashley-Praise for the selling of their house.  Moving June 1st.

    Kris-dear friends having marital problems

    Julie-co-worker w/marital/mental health problems.  Brady's parents and grandparents.