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  1. GREAT discussion this morning on "Being Forgiving", with God through Jesus Christ as our example.


    --June 12 - Sunday Social during the SS hour; see Ashley L. for sign-up sheet for what to bring for our brunch and devotional/fellowship time.
    --July 10 @ 4:00 @ Paula Sewell's, Kelly Moates' Prayer and Pampers shower; sign-up sheet to come later.

    Prayer Requests:
    Julie C. - Dad still recovering/healing from his back surgery, but doing well
    Mike and Amy - pray for their house to sell & for God to provide jobs for them as they move back to SC.
    Ashley L.- sinus infection; safe delivery of their baby girl
    Jennifer C. - safe delivery of their baby boy
    Safe travels for those gone for the holiday weekend

    Next Sunday we will teach last week's last session on Colossians about family relationships and employer/employee relationships. Then, in mid-June we begin the parenting series for several weeks.

  2. Prayer Requests:

    --Julie Cox--her dad had back surgery last Thursday. Doing well, pray for good recovery. Brady's grandmother--bad helath (chemo, digestive issues, etc.)

    --Brenda--continued prayer for Jim's cancer treatments to eradicate the cancer.

    --Mike & Brenda--our preparation for Mission Trip at the end of July-August 8.

    --Veslas--Uncle David's test results from tumor to not be cancer. Safe travels for Mom, Grandmother, and 2 aunts to go visit aunt in Ohio and strength for Mom & aunts as they take care of Grandmother and Ohio aunt as both are wheelchair bound.

    --The Sewell's--Please pray for out daughter in China, Blair, while she waits for us.

    --Kiley's Boss's daughter, Mary Abbogtt Crain diagnosed with Rheumotoid Arthritis. She is 12 years old.

    --Stephanie B.--positive realationship with her Dad.

    --Willie's friend -Lamar Oliver, Pastor in Morgan city, LA. Flood preparation.

    --Clista--back pain--situation getting worse.

    --Mike Whitworth--Trouble at work (again).

    --Mike & Amy--pray for our house to sell and for God to provide a job for us.

  3. Sunday 5-22-11

    Sunday, May 22, 2011

    Prayer Requests:

    --Julie Cox--had back surgery last Thursday. Doing well, pray for good recovery. Brody's grandmother--bad helath (chemo, digestive issues, etc.)

    --Brenda--continued prayer for Jim's cancer treatments to eradicate the cancer.

    --Mike & Brenda--our preparation for Mission Trip at the end of July-August 8.

    --Veslas--Uncle David's test results from tumor to not be cancer. Safe travels for Mom, Grandmother, and 2 aunts to go visit aunt in Ohio and strength for Mom & aunts as they take care of Grandmother and Ohio aunt as both are wheelchair bound.

    --The Sewell's--Please pray for out daughter in China, Blair, while she waits for us.

    --Kiley's Boss's daughter, Mary Abbogtt Crain diagnosed with Rheumotoid Arthritis. She is 12 years old.

    --Stephanie B.--positive realationship with her Dad.

    --Willie's friend -Lamar Oliver, Pastor in Morgan city, LA. Flood preparation.

    --Clista--back pain--situation getting worse.

    --Mike Whitworth--Trouble at work (again).

    --Mike & Amy--pray for our house to sell and for God to provide a job for us.

  4. Stephanie's Easter pics

    Tuesday, May 10, 2011

    These are a few of Stephanie's Easter pictures. This slideshow will remain under the "Slideshow" page as well. Stephanie does have more photos on her blog if you would like to see the full collection. This is just a sampling due to storage limits.

  5. Sunday 5-9-11 recap

    Monday, May 9, 2011

    ******Happy Mother's Day to all!******

    Brenda shared a quote that could sum up Sunday's lesson:
    Jesus Christ is absolutely necessary but absolutely enough!

    Colossians 2:8-23 reminds us that there is nothing we can or need to do to earn our salvation. It is only because of what Jesus has done for us that we can stand before God. The reality we have in Christ is that He has connected us to the Father in a spirtual union that only He can hold. And we can rest assured that if He is the holder there is nothing that can separate us!

    We must be careful to not let any deceptive philosophy take us captive. In this day and age there are so many thoughts and teachings that sound good, but salvation comes only through the one and true Jesus. We can come to know Him through His word, the Bible. He has given us the treasure of Scripture as life-giving words. Do we treasure these words as "life" or do we see them as a rule book?
    View the link below and ask yourself how much do you treasure God's word?

    --May 22-Ashley's Prayer & Pampers will be @ Jennifer Bearden's house at 4pm.
    --Men's Bible Study every Tuesday. (see previous post)
    --June 12--Sunday School Social during the 9:15 hour in class.

    Prayer Requests:
    -Brenda-Pray for Jim's counts to be up so he can take another treatment on Tuesday.
    -Christy C.-Alex's ear infection to clear up. He's on his 3rd antibiotic.

  6. Sunday, 5-1-11 recap

    Tuesday, May 3, 2011

    It was a very somber place in Sunday School this morning as everyone was swapping stories about the tornado and the path of destruction it left behind. It was hard to go on with business as usual. Everyone was either directly effected or knew someone that had been. Many of our own class members were still without power, or morning for the loss of property of loved ones. To my knowledge no immediate family members of our class were lost during the storms, but countless friends or co-workers, or releatives were directly hit or injured. We of course will pray for these families for months to come. You can contact the church website or church office for countless opportunities to help during this time.

    Business as usual---should we ever really live our lives like business as usual. Our lesson was entitled Keep on Keeping On. Our faith urges and demands that we keep on in the faith. But our faith must never simply be business as usual. We must continue to work out our salvation. Brenda wrote a quote on the board-- "The faith that fizzles before the finish was flawed from the first." If you find yourself fizzling or wavering, be sure to examine your faith. Look to God above and trust in Him. Colossians 2:6 says, "So then just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live in him." How did you recieve Christ? by grace through faith. How do we continue to live in Him? by grace through faith. That faith grows and develops and maybe doubts and struggles but never shall we turn completely from it. There may be times, incredibly difficult times of wavering but God's grace will reign victorius and if we listen, we will hear His voice calling us back to Him. Thank you God for being faithful to forgive us and cleanse us from all unrighteousness if we confess and repent our sins!

    --Men's Study meets every Tuesday at 6am. Currently going through the Fatal Distractions Bible Study. For more information see Brian Sewell.

    --5/22/11--Prayer & Pampers for Ashley Lybrand will be held at Jennifer Bearden's house at 4pm. Sign up to bring a salty or sweet in class.

    --The worship center will be undergoing some renovations to accompany the change in the Worship Venue. The 10:45 Contemporary service will be moving from the gym into the "big" sanctuary. If you prefer a more traditional worship service you will have the option of attending worship first and attend a Sunday School at 10:45. The current teacher is David Livingston. --However, we don't want to lose any of you in our current Sunday School ;)

    Prayer Requests:
    --Scott Thomas' Dad will be going into Emory Medical Center in Atlanta on Wednesday to put a stint in his heart and possibly an angioplasty.

    --Christy- Pray that the hole in Alex's eardrum will heal. Pray for Dana Johns & her 3 kids that lost everything in the tornado. Also, Uncle James Englebert has pancreatic cancer.

    --Brenda--(B-i-l) Jim's continued ability to receive treatment.

    --Kenneth Battle family (Shades Valley) lost everything.