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  1. Sunday 5-9-11 recap

    Monday, May 9, 2011

    ******Happy Mother's Day to all!******

    Brenda shared a quote that could sum up Sunday's lesson:
    Jesus Christ is absolutely necessary but absolutely enough!

    Colossians 2:8-23 reminds us that there is nothing we can or need to do to earn our salvation. It is only because of what Jesus has done for us that we can stand before God. The reality we have in Christ is that He has connected us to the Father in a spirtual union that only He can hold. And we can rest assured that if He is the holder there is nothing that can separate us!

    We must be careful to not let any deceptive philosophy take us captive. In this day and age there are so many thoughts and teachings that sound good, but salvation comes only through the one and true Jesus. We can come to know Him through His word, the Bible. He has given us the treasure of Scripture as life-giving words. Do we treasure these words as "life" or do we see them as a rule book?
    View the link below and ask yourself how much do you treasure God's word?

    --May 22-Ashley's Prayer & Pampers will be @ Jennifer Bearden's house at 4pm.
    --Men's Bible Study every Tuesday. (see previous post)
    --June 12--Sunday School Social during the 9:15 hour in class.

    Prayer Requests:
    -Brenda-Pray for Jim's counts to be up so he can take another treatment on Tuesday.
    -Christy C.-Alex's ear infection to clear up. He's on his 3rd antibiotic.