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  1. God's Power Changes Relationships

    Monday, September 27, 2010

    God's Power Changes Relationships
    Ephesians 2: 11 - 22

    Did God intend for us, as Christians, to be alone? No - Jesus came to unite Jews and Gentiles - vs 11 - 13

    How were Gentiles deprived?
    - Without the Messiah
    - Excluded from citizenship of Israel
    - Foreigners to covenants of promise
    - Had no hope
    - Without God in the world

    But now (v. 12) Jesus change things. He gave us direct access to the throne of God

    Prayer Requests
    • Clista - volunteers needed to help with Clista 11 - 1 Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday - signup on Take Them A Meal dot com
    • Car Accident - Jessica Hardin and 3 other teenagers (from Childersburg) in car accident.
    • Julie - grandmother - declining health
    • Kay Ferguson - Kiley's sister - is pregnant - please pray for healthy pregnancy
    • Scott & Lisa - Michael & Jessica Thomas are pregnant with first child. Praise that the move went well and that the school transition was great. But pray that Lisa will feel better.

  2. Get Out of The Graveyard!

    Tuesday, September 21, 2010

    Get Out of The Graveyard!

    Ephesians 2: 1 - 10
    Romans 3: 23, 6: 23, 10: 9 - 10, 10: 13 - 15
    James 1: 14 - 15
    2 Corinthians 9:8

    1. We were dead...but God made us alive with Christ
    2. We were enslaved...but God raised us up
    3. We were under wrath...but God seated us in the Heavens
    • Does our generation really believe in Heaven?
    • We were spiritually dead and lifeless due to our sin and the sin in our lives
    • We all have free will which means that we all have a choice and decide whether or not to obey
    • "But God" signifies God's intervention in our lives
    • Mercy is not getting what we really deserve. Apart from Him we all deserve hell and death.
    • God's love for us motivates Him and He loves us in spite of what we do.
    • Grace is getting what we don't deserve, a free gift, not something that we earned or did to receive it.
    • One of the purposes of our salvation is to do Gods works. Before we were born He had a plan, a good and perfect plan, for our lives.
    • We've got to allow God to interrupt "our" plans and take the time to see the ways and areas where God is at work in our lives.
    • God gives us everything we need to carry out His plan for our lives.

    • Hayride at the Akridges - Saturday, 10/23 - Details TBD

    Prayer Requests
    • Elizabeth's Sister - Lucy Hunt
    • Mike White's Mom - Going through rehab
    • Brenda - For Jim's platelets to increase so that he can continue treatments
    • Emily - her eye
    • Clista - for her continued recovery
    • Julie's Dad - for his infection

  3. God's Plan Involves Power

    Tuesday, September 14, 2010

    God's Plan Involves Power
    Ephesians 1: 15 - 23

    Meditate on these truths
    1. God called you to a certain, eternal hope
    2. God prizes you as His inheritance
    3. God's power to accomplish His purposes in your life is immeasurably great.
    As you may remember, Mike and Brenda handed out the church's prayer list from Friday afternoon. They pointed out that we often and quickly pray for physical trials of believers but rarely move to a deeper level of prayer on their spiritual behalf. They challenged us to pray Ephesians 1:17 for those on our SS prayer list and for some of those on the church-wide list. Just remember the power of praying scripture, God's Words, back to him.

    • SS Social - This Saturday at 5 PM, 9/18, Blythe Equipping've seen the e-mail from Ashley with the details...
    • Hayride at the Akridges - Saturday, 10/23, details TBA
    • New Men and Women's Bible Studies started today...see previous blog posts for details
    Prayer Requests
    • Brenda - pray for minimal side-effects with his cancer treatments. As of Sunday afternoon Jim's blood pressure was high, which is one of the side effects of the drugs. The Dr's. have prescribed a medication to hopefully help control it. Brenda is more concerned about their spirits right now. She described Jim as a "weary soldier" Please pray for Jim and Rebecca's ability to rely on the Lord and to pray Ephesians 1:17 for them; may their faith and love be known by those whose lives they touch.
    • Julie's Dad - continue to pray for him as tests are being run while he's admitted at St. Vincent's.
    • Julie's Sister-in-law - high risk pregnancy
    • Christy Chambers - continue to pray for her Nephew, Memo, with HSP PurPura
    • Paula and Brian - Adoption Home Study, the first visit is Monday.
    • Mike and Clista - Clista's surgery went very well. The Dr. was very happy and optimistic. She is still in a lot of pain and doesn't have full mobility in her right leg. She needs prayer for a full recovery.
    • Christy Chambers - new job isn't turning out that well. There seems to be a personality conflict . Please pray that God will resolve the conflict. If God's will is not for her to be at her current employer then pray that God will provide her with another opportunity.
    • Vesla Lochte - Praise for great test results on her baby but she requests prayer for her husband Chad for healing of his dislocated shoulder and that no additional damage was done when he was rear ended.
    • Kelly Moates-This an update on my friend from college Jennifer Cherry House and her husband Blaine and their family including Maisie (4) who has aplastic anemia. Jennifer had their third child at 37 weeks weighing in at 8lbs. 8 oz and 20 3/4" long! She is doing well. The doctors are preparing Maisie is preparation for her transplant. If all goes according to schedule, Maisie will be admitted to Children's Monday, September 13. She will do 6 days of pre-treatment medication and then day 7 will be transplant day. Then it will just be a matter of waiting for everything to "work".

      Here are their specific prayer requests for the next days:
      1. That Maisie stays infection free
      2. That Maisie has no bleeding problems
      3. That the cord blood is delivered safely and is all "viable"
      4. That Maisie's pre-treatment goes smoothly and the side effects of the medications are minimal
      5. That the actual transplant goes smoothly with no complications and Maisie is treated 100% successfully
      6. For our family as we are juggling our 3 girls, making sure that everyone is taken care of in the way they each need

  4. prayer updates

    Friday, September 10, 2010

    --Clista will be coming home today (Friday) and we will begin taking meals Saturday night. Please sign up as soon as possible on to get them covered. If you need password information please email

    ---Vesla- They checked all the organs, the 4 chambers in the heart, all of the different sections of the brain, bone development, spine, everything and we have a very healthy baby boy on the way. They said he is in the 55th percentile for the stage he is in right now for growth and development which is a big bonus since one of my meds can cause slow growth. Thank you all for the prayers. It is such a blessing to have great people supporting us with prayer

  5. Update on Clista Whitworth

    Wednesday, September 8, 2010

    Clista just came out of surgery and did great! The doctors were very positive and said that it wasn't as bad as they anticipated. It couldn't have gone better! She will be in a room at least until Friday. After Mike hears something more, he will let us know.

    Thank you all for your prayers!

  6. How Rich Are You?

    Tuesday, September 7, 2010

    How Rich Are You?

    Our riches are "planned by the Father, purchased by the Son, and presented by the Holy Spirit". Warren Wiersbe

    Here are some examples of our spiritual blessings: chosen, blessed, holy, loved, blameless, given grace, adopted, accepted, redeemed, forgiven, and sealed.
    • If we are a child of the Father then we are truly rich.
    • Remember that Paul is writing this letter to the saints in Ephesus while he is a prisoner in Rome.
    • As believers we are blessed with every spiritual blessing
    • We are adopted into God's family and given rights to His inheritance as His children.
    • Jesus is our redeemer and bought us with a price of his shed blood.
    • He has revealed to us his will according to His good pleasure.
    • The Holy Spirit is a guarantee for us today and in the future. The Holy Spirit is also a seal and God's stamp in our lives, as God's possessions.
    Hetty Green died in 1916 and lived her life as a poor pauper but was worth millions when she died. She ate cold oatmeal because she didn't want to spend the money to heat it. And, she had a son who had to have his leg amputated because she didn't want to spend the money to take him to the Doctor. She had access to millions and could have lived a life of luxury but she failed to take advantage of that which she had readily available to her. As believers, we have all of these spiritual blessings but do we really live like a child of the King?

    • Couples Party (no kids) - Saturday, September 18th, 5 PM, Blythe Room - if questions just contact Ashley Lybrand at
    • Hayride at the Akridges - Saturday, October 23rd - details TBA
    • New Men & Women's Bible Studies - both start on Tuesday, 9/14 - see previous blog posts for details...
    Missions Project
    • Cooper Green Hospital - items needed (Due Sunday, 9/12/10 - look for collections bin by Preschool Desk) receiving blankets, newborn outfits, onesies, baby wipes, baby rattles or toy, pacifiers, night gowns, children's Bible Story books
    Prayer Requests
    • Brenda - Jim is beginning treatments this week with two FDA approved drugs that have not been used together before - pray for their effectiveness.
    • Scott & Lisa - we close on our house on September 17th. Praise - inspection & appraisal passed!
    • Mike & Clista - pray for Clista's back surgery on Wednesday. Praise - Mike is off probation at work and had a very good review this week.
    • Pray for the family of Bob and Brenda Galloway who lost their 26 year old son by drowning.
    • Mike & Amy - unspoken requests. Praise - Mike's mom did great with her knee replacement.
    • Jason & Ashley - Praise & Requests - Jason's job transition.
    • Emily - her mom is caring for her two great Aunts, Jeanette & Wonzel.