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  1. New Men's Bible Study

    Monday, August 30, 2010

    New Men’s Bible Study

    Starts: Tuesday, September 14 @ 6:00 am (meet weekly on Tuesday morning)

    Where: at the church in CLC room 203 (enter through double doors in the back left corner of the church – where 4k SS classes are – take elevator up to 2nd floor)

    Topic: Men’s Fraternity series “Winning at Work & Home” ( ) - This is a 16 week series, which has a 45 minute video for each topic. We watch the video and then break up into smaller groups for discussion.

    Other: We usually open the doors around 5:50 am and get the video started around 6:15 or so. We break up into small groups around 7:00, and are out by no later than 7:30. If you have any questions, feel free to contact Brian Sewell (901-3937). Please send Brian an email ( if you are interested; so he can have enough books ordered.

  2. What IS Truth?

    Sunday, August 29, 2010

    What IS Truth?

    Do you REALLY believe that what you believe is REALLY real? D. Tackett

    John 18:37 - 38
    2 Corinthians 10:1 - 6
    Ephesians 6:10 - 12
    2 Corinthians 11:2 - 6, 13 - 15
    2 Corinthians 13:5 - 10

    • Truth is reality, God's character, what we trust and believe God has said in His word.
    • Weapons available - prayer, Bible, Holy Spirit within a believer (divine power).
    • Paul's concern was that they (their minds and hearts) could be led astray by false teachers.
    • How can we recognize a false teacher? 2 Corinthians 11:4 - 6, 11:13 - 15
    Here are 2 important questions
    1. Do you REALLY believe that what you believe is REALLY real?
    2. How do MY actions prove that I REALLY believe what I say I believe?

    • Couples Party (no kids) - Saturday, September 18, 5 PM - location TBA
    • Hayride at the Akridges - Saturday, October 23 - details TBA
    • Women's Bible Study by Beth Moore on Revelation - Tuesday, September 14, 9:30 AM
    • Men's Bible Study by Robert Lewis, Men's Fraternity - Tuesday, September 14, 6:00 AM
    • Other Church News -
    Prayer Requests
    • Scott & Lisa - selling our house - we need the appraisal to pass on our house next week.
    • Brenda - for Jim and Rebecca's peace and trust in God's faithfulness.
    • Krista - Jay Duncan - chemo is not working and they have found that he is mentally retarded.

  3. Grace Giving

    Sunday, August 22, 2010

    Grace Giving
    Malachi 3:8-10, Luke 6:38
    2 Corinthians 8: 1 -11, 24, 9:6-15

    Gave unconditionally 2 Corinthians 8:1-4
    Gave orderly 8:5
    Gave ambitiously 8:7
    Gave lovingly 8:8
    Gave gratefully 8:9
    Gave generously 9:6
    Gave cheerfully 9:7
    Gave confidently 9:8
    • Don't look for a reason or excuse NOT to give but look for an opportunity TO give.
    • How are we practicing "grace giving" in our lives and how are we teaching this to our children?
    • What type of givers are we...reluctant or cheerful?
    • Mike read a story about R.G. LeTourneau, a tremendous giver - here's a link to more information about him -
    • Couples only Social - Saturday, September 18th at 5:00 PM. Let Ashley know ASAP if you will need childcare (ages 10 months - 6 years). There is a max of 10 children and a $5.00 deposit per family is required. The thought today was to do casseroles (just my 2 cents worth)!
    • Hayride at the Akridges - Saturday October 23rd.
    • Meals for the Gwin's - go to
    Prayer Requests

    • Jim Patterson - has follow-up tests tomorrow (8/23) and will receive results on Tuesday (8/24)
    • Julie's sister-in-law - high risk pregnancy
    • Brian's Aunt Karen - having exploratory surgery tomorrow (8/23) for a possible mass in her intestinces
    • Scott & Lisa - PRAISE that they have an offer on their home with a possible close date of 9/17 - PRAYER that they will find the right house.
    • Mike White's Mom - having knee replacement surgery on Monday, 8/30
    • Our Nation
    • Our Church Staff & Leaders
    • Our Nation's Leaders

  4. Are you a Royal Ambassador for Christ?

    Thursday, August 19, 2010

    Royal Ambassador
    2 Corinthians 5:11 - 7:1 Galatians 2:20

    Ambassador: official envoy / representative of one country to another
    Reconcile: to restore; to bring together two totally separated things

    Here's a great summary verse: 2 Corinthians 5:21 - God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God.

    Questions to think about...
    1. Is there a risen Christ alive in you? If so, what evidence is there in your life?
    2. How are we doing as being Royal Ambassadors or representatives of God?
    3. Who is being reconcile to God due to my ministry or service to God?

    Visitors - we had 3 visitors on Sunday so feel free to reach out to them and thank them for visiting with us.
    1. Kevin and Stephanie Hall - they have 2 children, ages 1 and 6, Sophie and Emily - Phone Number 661-6855
    2. Kari Crawford (her husband Robert had to work) - they have 2 children ages 8 and 6, Emily and Sara - Phone 661-0626

    • October 23rd - hayride at the Akridges
    • September 18 or 25 - couples only party - let Brenda know which date you prefer
    • Book suggestion - Crazy Love -

    Prayer Requests
    • From Kelly Moates - Jennifer Cherry House, a friend from college, and her husband Blaine have two girls Maisie (4) and Nora (2). She is expecting their 3rd child who is due in September. They just recently learned that Maisie (4) has aplastic anemia, a condition that occurs when your body stops producing enough new blood cells. Aplastic anemia leaves you feeling fatigued and at higher risk of infections and uncontrolled bleeding. She will need to have a bone marrow transplant next month. Her sister is being tested to see if she is a match. She will be hospitalized for month at the time when the baby is due to arrive. Jennifer has requested prayer in these areas: 1) that Nora is a perfect match 2) that Maisie stays well and injury free over the next month 3) physical & mental strength for she and Blaine 4) the new baby to come in the next 4 weeks and also needs to be a match. She appreciates your prayers and so do I!
    • Kelley's Grandmother - Joyce Lolley - she has breast cancer and she should receive results on Wednesday
    • Leah's Grandmother - healing for Toots fall and move
    • Jammy's 38 yr old cousin pass away last week from a brain hemorrhage
    • Mike White's Mom will be having knee replacement surgery on August 30th. Pray for no complications and a quick recovery.
    • Gwins - pray and praise for the deliver of Annie Kate this week
    • Christy Chambers - Pray for David Englebert (brother) he's on his way back to Afghanistan. Pray that the Lord will keep him safe.

  5. Get Your Study On!

    Monday, August 9, 2010

    Ladies, plans are being made for fall Bible Study and we would love for you to join us!We will do the latest Beth Moore study on Revelation titled "Here and Now...There and Then." We are looking to start Tuesday, Sept. 14 and will meet at the church from 9:30-11:30. (It might meet a little longer. I think the videos are pretty long; however, that is the time frame I guess we will aim for.) Also, it is an 11-week study. Childcare will be provided, reservation required. Contact Natalie if you are interested in attending.
    See you there!

    Beth Moore Library. Is yours complete? from Kris Seidenkranz on Vimeo.

  6. We missed several of you this Sunday. I suppose many are trying to get that last minute vacation in before school starts. For those of you who were out, you missed seeing our newest little guy's appearance in Sunday School. Christian Shirley honored us with his adorable little presence! To celebrate with the Shirleys, Dennis & Ann Hill are opening up there home.

    Couple's Baby Shower
    Friday, August 20
    8035 Carrington Drive
    Hosted by: Angela Grigsby, Michele Daniel, Amy Elmore, Abby Wingard, Beth Womack, and Ann Hill.

    We also commissioned Scotty and Kelly Moates to their new teaching position in the youth department. They will surely be missed on Sundays, but we will be sure to keep them covered in prayer and enjoy seeing them at our get-togethers! We are also looking forward to some of our members returning to our class from being out for a year in service. Don't forget that August 15th kid's Sunday School classes will promote.

    Somehow the Sunday School lesson moved us to speaking in bumper sticker lingo, but one of my favorite quotes (that Mike didn't need help on) was "When you are up to your armpits in alligators it's hard to remember you came to drain the swamp."
    Life is tough sometimes, but when the going gets tough the tough gets going. We learned from Paul that because of our hope in Christ we can stand firm and not lose heart! 2 Corinthians brought us a good 4 point outline:
    How Not to Lose Heart
    I. Rely on God (3:1-6)
    II. Stand by the Gospel (4:1-7)
    III. Concentrate on the Eternal (4:15-18)
    IV. Anticipate the Future (5:6-10)
    Praise and Prayer Requests:
    -Elizabeth-praise and thanking God for strength during last week and for new friends
    -Brenda-her brother-in-law Jim returns to the doctor for tests on 8/23 and gets results on 8/24
    -Haley James-brother Sam Compton will have colon surgery this week at Brookwood to remove his entire large intestine.
    -Krista Doss-Her friend's baby son Jay, whom we've prayed for before, is now at St. Jude's Hospital for the cancerous tumors behind his eyes. More tumors in that location were found recently, and St. Jude's is a better fit for him than Children's Hospital here.
    -School starts this week. Please be praying for all of our kids and teachers. --And all of us mom's that are sending little ones to Kindergarten for the first time.
    Have a great week! Hope to see you next Sunday if not before!

  7. Encouragement

    Thursday, August 5, 2010

    "Trouble will color my life, but I select the color" - C. Carter

    Encourage One Another
    2 Corinthians 1: 3 - 7, 8 - 11, 2: 14 - 17

    Theme of 2 Corinthians - A word of encouragement

    29 times, in 2 Corinthians, you'll find the word encourage/comfort

    Baby Show Announcement for Scott and Kelly Shirley (For Couples!) - Friday, August 20th at 6:30 PM at Dennis & Ann Hill's home. Yes, couples, so guys can come for the food and fellowship and the girls can take care of the "baby shower" part that night.

    Here is a link to various announcement/events going on at FBC Trussville -

    Also, for those of you who have taken a vacation this summer and missed a Sunday sermon in Buddy's GUARDRAILS series here is a link to archived sermons -

    Prayer Requests
    Amy - pray for her mom's friend, Kimberly, who has been diagnosed with stage 4 melanoma

    Vesla - pray for her sister, Heidi's, possible chance of pregnancy with twins

    Kiley - pray for his dad, Wayne Elmore, who is a bone cancer survivor in the rib area but he is having pain and dealing with worries about it coming back. Also, pray for Kiley's uncle, Eddie Haydel, with tumors in pancreas that have doubled in size and are possibly cancerous.

    If you're wondering what the picture is at the top of the post it's the view from the top of our house where we're staying at the beach this's giving us some "comfort" and "encouragement"....haha....