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  1. July 10, Sunday recap

    Monday, July 11, 2011


    Welcome new members
    Kevin & Cindy O'Shields 
    to our class! 

    --You can sign up to help with a meal for the Lybrands and McRae's on  If you need password info you can email Lisa Thomas.
    --Be sure to bring cards and well wishes for the Lochte family on July 17th.  This will be Chad's last Sunday with us before his deployment.
    --Be sure to check out the recipe tab for Jason Flebotte's favorite ice cream.  **told you it would be on the blog** ;)
    --Don't forget to join us for the continued parenting series by Kevin Leman- "How to Have a New Kid by Friday." If you have missed any of the hand outs, you can get a copy in Sunday School. 

    Prayer Requests:

    --Vesla-Chad, me & boys for his deployment.  Aunt Karen-cancer.
    --Mike-Mom's broken arm surgery for Tuesday.  Pray no complications & complete recovery.
    --Mike & Amy White-Praise--found a house to live in after we move.  Pray for our house here to sell quickly.
    --Paula & Brian-pray for favor for quick approvals so we can bring Blair home.
    --Christy Chambers-Gets blood test results on platelet count Monday.  Praying everything comes back ok.
    --Andrea Anderson--Aunt Peterita found out this week she has Lukemia.  She will start treatment this week at UAB.  Please pray for her healing at UAB.  Please pray for her healing and for her family.
    --Ashley L.'s sister Leslie having trouble with infection following her Jaw surgery a few weeks ago; please pray for total clearing of the infection & pain to end.
    --Scott & Lisa Thomas--needing a new job in about 4 weeks.  Praying weather Lisa should look for a job as well.