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  1. Sunday, 8-7-11 recap

    Monday, August 8, 2011

    Welcome Eli Jackson Moates
    born Thursday,
     Aug 4th 
    8lbs 11 oz.

    -Sunday is gonna be a big day.  We are having an attendance challenge in Sunday School so be sure to come.  We are shooting for 2011 churchwide.  We will be starting our study of the book of  Jeremiah.  It will also be kids' promotion day in Sunday School which means they will be moving up to their new age group class since school is starting back.  Also, the contemporary worship will be meeting in the main worship and will be led by Charlie Hall!  You don't want to miss this.  Big day!
    --Be sure to sign up to bring a meal on to Scott & Kelley Moates as they welcome baby Eli home.
    --Help out the Missions ministry by bringing dark colored yarn to the mission wall in the Gathering Space.

    Prayer Requests:
    --Trussville Firefighter's faily-Jarrod Stathers
    --Drew Rush and Chip Ramsey's family in their loss of a great man.  Continue to pray for Drew and his coworkers.
    --Christy Chambers-continued prayer for FBC, Irondale and daycare closing Aug. 12th., unspoken.
    --Andrea Anderson--PRAISE!  Aunt Petretia's bone marrow test are cancer free.  She got to come home this past Saturday.  Please pray for Greg as he starts back to school this week.
    --Vesla-PRAISE!-we have been able to talk to chad everyday via skype.  Prayers for us to continue to have strength especially Logan who is really struggling with Chad being gone.
    --Brady-Grandmother with cancer is home.  Pray she is comfortable during her remaining time.  --other Grandmother is possibly showing signs of dementia or paranoia.  Hard on his parents.
    --Jason & Susan--Jason's mom has rare condition effecting her kidneys.  Will be seeing a specialist this Tuesday to discuss further treatment.  --Grover Smith-This is the father of a close friend, he is very gravely ill.  He and their family need prayers for comfort, peace, and understanding.  --Katie Davidson--18 yr ld Hewitt graduate who had a golf cart accitdent in front of our house this week.  She is in a coma at UAB with severe head trauma.  Pray for her, her family, the other girls driving/riding the cart, as well as, our neighbors who were the first responders.
    --Scott-continued prayer for job situation.  Lisa--possible skin cancer on back.  Will have an appointment this Wednesday.
    --Mike-as he nears his surgery on August 18th.