- Krista-unspoken
- Amy E.-brother-in-law, Jeff Harris, for his health and learning life with Diabetes
- Stephanie B.-for my 15 month old daughter (Jillian) to walk
- Ashely F.-mother of one of my Upward Cheerleaders passed away Friday night.
- Julie-sister-in-law readmitted to hospital Saturday night w/a fever of 102. She's on antibiotics for infection. The fever has gone down some. Should be home Monday or Tuesday.
- Scott T.-cousin Daryl to have surgery 3/21 for cancer in his jaw. He also has Leukemia.
- Vesla-will have a follow up visit on Friday.
- Welcome Jennifer B. as our newest class member! So glad to have you with us!
- Time Change-Spring Forward-March 13.--Yes, we lose an hour of sleep but we gain lots of daylight. yay!
- Parent's Night Out for Preschoolers, March 25th.
- March 20, Sunday-Visiting Children's Harbor-meet there at 2pm--contact Emily for more details
- April 10th, Sunday 3pm @ Lisa T.'s house-Prayer & Pampers for Jennifer C. We'll sign up to bring something salty, & sweet closer to the day.
- Saturday, April 23-Annual Easter Egg Hunt at Mike & Brenda's. Bring a dozen filled eggs-no chocolate please.
- March 13th will be Drew R.'s last Sunday with us before deployment. Be sure to come and help send him off this coming Sunday.
Devotional recap:
We are beginning a new study this quarter in the book of Phillipians--yay, no more hard to pronounce names. Mike and Brenda gave us an overview of the book and it's central theme of JOY.
A good way to remember the essence of JOY is the following acrostic.
J-Jesus First
O-Other's Second
Y-You last