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  1. Sunday Prayer List

    Thursday, March 28, 2013

    I am so sorry I just realized that this never went out. I have been working crazy hours at work and it has been a little nuts.

    Max: please pray for his family
    Vesla: Pray for her Aunt becky she works at the nursing home where her grandmother lived
    Kimberly: has been having migraines
    Heather: uncle @ MD Anderson; son with OABS
    Heidi: she needs prayers with her patients
    Jennifer: Rebecca turning 16 and unspoken
    Anthony: co-workers parents are sick.

    I hope I got this right. I wrote them down quickly after SS Class.

  2. Prayer Request for this past Sunday

    Monday, March 18, 2013

    Good morning,
        Here are the prayer requests from Sunday. Also, please remember that we are having our Spring Picnic on April 6th at 12:00. This is going to be a fun day of games and fellowship.

    Prayer Requests:

    ~ Kimberly - traveling alone with the boys this week
    ~ All travelers the next few weeks during Spring Break
    ~ Mandy - her sister has a broker foot this is very hard on Mandy because her sister helps with her son
    ~ Mandy's niece's car was hit at their house this weekend, please pray that all the logistics of getting this settled will go smoothly
    ~ Vesla - her grandmother passed away Sunday night. Please pray for peace for the family
    ~ Jamie - His grandfather's cancer has returned
    ~ Max - please continue to pray for his parents
    ~ Jennifer - unspoken
    ~ Jason - his car was broken into this weekend, they stole everything from phones to credit cards. They are also traveling this week so it has made it difficult with no cards.
    ~ Brenda - Jim (brother in law) will have scans done on the 25th and he will find out on the 26th if the cancer is still there or not
    ~ The Pannell's - they are hosting a yard sale on 4/13 to raise funds for their adoption. If you have anything (big or small) you would like to donate that would be appreciated. They are also looking for baked goods for a bake sale and volunteers.

    I hope you all have a wonderful week.

  3. Prayers for Sunday, March 10th

    Monday, March 11, 2013

    Kimberly - Pray I can stick to my new eating plan & that it helps with my RA. 

    Upcoming Events: 

    Remember April 6th is the Spring Party - it will start at 12:00 but come when you can. The food sign up list went around Sunday and we will have it again this Sunday! 

  4. Prayer Requests, Food List & Events

    Tuesday, March 5, 2013

    Prayer Requests: 
    ~ Heidi - PTL my dad had a successful heart cath done; pray for Tegan's ear 
    infection to go away.
    ~ Vesla - pray for God to be merciful to my grandmother, hospice has been called 
    in & all her meds stopped; pray my aunt from Ohio can get here to see my grandmother before my grandmother dies.
    ~ Heather - pray for my daughter Taylor to be well quickly for dance competition 
    next weekend; pray she does not have mono.
    ~ Kenya - pray my ankle gets well quickly and that I will take proper care of the 
    ~ Matt - for my nephew Will to return to God and not be deceived by Satan's lies.
    ~ Mike & Brenda - for our church, and especially our small group, to have a 
    passion for more of God's presence, and then that we will practice His presence.

    The Spring Picnic will be at the Akridge's house on April 6th from 12:00 - ??. More information will be coming soon 

    Food Sign Up: 

    March 10th - 
    Food: The Argo's 
    Drinks: The Pannell's 

    March 17th - 
    Food: The Hendrix's 
    Drinks: The Doss's 

    March 24th - 
    Food: The Akridge's 
    Drinks: The Hutchen's 

    March 31st - 
    Food: The Floyd's 
    Drinks: Mauldin's