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  1. Children's Harbor Social-Saturday night

    Saturday, February 19, 2011

    As a class we wanted to do something to help instill in our children the priority of helping others. Our Ministry coordinator Emily introduced us to Children's Harbor. We needed something that we could do together with our kids so we decided to pack hygiene kits to be provided to the families who were staying in the facilities overnight. Our kids made Get Well cards and helped pack the items in bags. We made a total of 89 complete bags and had a variety of miscellaneous items to contribute to future kits.
    Here is a quick video of the process:

    The following is a description of Children's Harbor found on their website:
    When a child is diagnosed with a long-term serious illness, the entire family is swept into a turbulent sea of change. There is never-ending travel and treatment. There are physical challenges, emotional challenges, and financial challenges. Fortunately, there is also a refuge - a safe harbor - Children's Harbor. The following is a description of just some of the services Children's Harbor offers:

    ■Individual counseling helps individual family members to identify, understand, and resolve personal and relationship difficulties.

    ■Family counseling helps a family work together more effectively and supports the growth and development of all its members.

    ■Parent and child relationship counseling helps the child and parent explore ways to maintain balance and strengthen their relationship through effective communication and cooperation.

    ■Parenting training provides parents with effective methods for improving their parenting skills.

    ■Play therapy provides opportunities for clients to express their feelings through therapeutic play.

    ■Coping techniques teach skills related to reducing and managing stress and anxiety.

    ■Support groups are provided for people in similar circumstances to develop new relationships, share methods of coping, and encourage each other.

    ■Social support services assist families with referrals, transportation, housing, and other social needs which have evolved due to the child's illness