COUPLE is an easy way to keep in mind Emerson's advise to the men...
C loseness
O penness
U nderstanding
P eacemaking
L oyalty
E steem
Ladies, it's our turn next week!
God designed us different - "pink & blue." It makes disagreements with each other inevitable. Emerson asks that we give our spouses the benefit of the doubt and consider them a "good willed spouse" although our messages to each other may be misunderstood. Take the effort to clarify each other's intentions with love and respect. Take ownership of the areas that are your responsibility and work to resolve the disagreement.C loseness
O penness
U nderstanding
P eacemaking
L oyalty
E steem
Ladies, it's our turn next week!
- Prayers & Pampers for Kris Rush @ Brenda's house on March 23rd, 7:00pm
- Prayers & Pampers for Becky Rogers @ Elaine's house on April 6th, 6:30pm
- Men's Bible Tuesday Mornings Bible Study 6:00am @ church in 203 CLC
- Metro Changers will take place on Saturdays April 5th-May 1st, an informational meeting will be March 10th, 7:30pm in the chapel
- Ladies Night Out with Sherri Burgess (wife of Rick Burgess of the Rick and Bubba Show) is March 30th, door open @ 6:00pm...invite a friend!
- Calista & Catlin were sick Sunday...pray from them to get well soon.
- Scott & Lisa - Scott is still searching for a job. Pray that he will seek God's will & that God will open the door for him. Also, remember Scott's 92yr old grandmother who fell & broke a bone in her foot.
- Emily - Emily's Aunt Diane is having a CT scan. Pray for God's will as she goes through lung cancer. Pray also for her daughter Michele.
- Mike & Brenda - Pray for Scott and Joelle, their son and daughter-in-law, as they leave on a mission trip to South Africa (leaving Thurs. and return on 3/20). Pray for their safety and for wisdom in reaching those to whom they will be ministering. Pray also for Scott as he teaches a class of teens there about how to make wise choices and that many will say "yes" to Jesus.