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  1. Easter is almost here!

    Sunday, March 21, 2010

    My friend Cyndi has introduced me to an Easter tradition of the Tomb Cake. A tomb cake is a family activity that allows you to talk to your children about the meaning of Easter and explain Jesus' death, burial, and resurrection. It might be a new and fun tradition for your family this year:
    Tomb Cake

    • the tomb: 1 bundt cake---can be homemade or store-bought---just make sure there is a hole in the middle
    • the stone: 1 large cookie or york peppermint patty
    • 3 crosses: can be homemade from chocolate, popsiclesticks--anything
    • decoration: chocolate icing, crushed oreos for dirt/rock, green food coloring on coconut for grass, small icing flowers if you want to decorate the hill (get the store bought kind in the b-day section of the grocery store)
    • Jesus: have the children make a figure to represent Jesus with any craft items


    Cut cake in half, but make sure that one half contains the majority of the hole and one half slightly smaller. Take the larger half and set it on your cake plate toward the front (tomb). This should look like an upside-down u. Take your smaller half and set it right behind it (Calvary). Use the icing and decorative ingredients (you can use icing to cover the back hole.) Be creative with your "dirt, grass, and flowers." Place the 3 crosses on the smaller half (Calvary) and the large cookie (stone) in front of the larger half (tomb entrance).

    You can read or tell the story of Jesus death for our sins and hold him on the cross. Continue to tell how Jesus was placed in the tomb and the stone placed in front. Leave the cake overnight with Jesus in the tomb with the stone in front. Remove Jesus after the children have gone to bed and roll the stone away. On Easter morning the kids can go to the cake and see that "He Is Risen!" Finish the Easter story and celebrate Him!

    • Ladies' Bible Study begins a new study, "Annointed, Transformed, Redeemed" on Tuesday mornings, 9:45-11:00am @ RFB 302. Contact Natalie for childcare arrangements.
    • There will be a Good Friday service @ church on April 2nd, 6:00pm. Childcare will be provided for birth - 5 as needed.
    • The Annual Easter Egg Hunt will be at the Akridge's House on Saturday, April 3rd @ 11:00am. Each family should bring their own lunch and we will share drinks and desserts. At the picnic, we will share the Easter Bible story. Bring 2 dozen plastic eggs filled with candy by Sunday, March 28th to be hidden. Volunteers are needed to hide eggs.
    • On Easter Sunday, our class will be serving the church during the Sunday School hour. We will be extra hands to do various tasks needed on this populated Sunday. Some tasks may be driving carts, working the preschool registration desk, helping rock babies, etc. We will have sign up sheets next Sunday.
    Prayers Requests & Praises
    • Mike and Brenda - Scott and Joelle are back from their mission trip safely! They had a great experience!
    • Brian and Melissa - Please pray for the Messina family as they deal with the tragic, unexpected loss of their son Thomas.