Time Change:
Don't forget to FALL BACK - Sunday, November 7, 2010
Set your clocks back one hour and enjoy an extra hour of sleep before coming to our Sunday Small group at 9:15am.
It's time to find your chair in a small group.
It's time to invite a guest to your small group.
It's time to pray for people to connect to a small group.
Help make Sunday, November 7 a great time for everyone!
Sunday, Ocotober 30-recap
Walk in Purity
Ephesians 5:1-14; 1 Jn 4:8, 1:5; Col 1:4-6, 2:8
Paul challenges us to be deliberate in our behavior and to be "immitators of God." His admonition to walk in love includes six characteristics our behavior should NOT be. The first three deal with our conduct and the next three with our speech. 1) We are not to have any hint of sexual immorality, 2) impurity, or 3)greed. We are also to keep our mouths pure of 1)obscenities, 2)foolish talk, or 3)coarse joking. In turn we should be full of thanksgiving.
Grace in the heart=grace in the lips
The way we lived in our former lives was darkness but now we are light. Three characteristics of living as the light are that it 1)reveals God, 2)produces fruit, 3)exposes wrong. As those living in THE Light we are not to have anything to do with fruitless deeds but rather expose them. Take warning though, exposing darkness is a serious responsibility. If we are not careful we will become the company we keep. We need to guard our hearts and expose the truth in LOVE. Paul urges us to find out what pleases the Lord. Our actions should be motivated by pleasing Him.
Some take aways:
Ask God to turn on the light in your life.
What elements in your life do you need to get rid of?
Evaluate your speech. Is there any foolish talk, coarse joking, or obscenities?
Where have we exchanged God's truth for a lie?
Does your life expose the dark around you?
Are we self-centered or pleasing God?
Prayer Requests:
- Brenda-Continue to pray for Jim's physical stamina and spiritual strength. He will have a test Monday to determine future procedure.
- Jason--an employee of a client has been diagnosed with breast cancer. She is scheduled for surgery this week then radiation for several weeks.