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  1. Sunday 11/21 - recap

    Monday, November 22, 2010

    Christmas Party- December 10th, Friday- 6:15-8:15pm at Scott and Lisa's house.

    • be sure to sign up your Preschoolers thru Kindergarten for the Church Parent's Night Out-6:00-8:30
    • Sign up your grade school children with Emily
    • Let Ashley know if you will be coming
    • Food sign-up will be coming soon

    Photos-We are going to be updating the photo slideshow on the blog. If you have a photo you would like to submit please email it to or we can get a photo of you and your spouse during Sunday School in the coming weeks.

    Ministry Projects-

    • Hygiene Kits for Children's Harbor-be collecting hygiene products for kits we will put together in February for those staying at Children's Harbor
    • Celebrating our schools-We will be adopting Springville & Margaret Elementary schools and taking goodies to celebrate staff birthdays once a quarter. Details will follow.

    Prayer and Praises:

    • Amy Elmore-Grandfather in hospital with Pneumonia, and Grandmother (mom's mother) recently suffered from 3rd degree burns
    • Christy Chambers-Taking CPA Exam Tuesday; friend Becky edwars taking radiation treatments in January; friend Shannan Hoggle found out her dad Ed Welsh, has cancer onhis kidney. They're doing a colonoscopy MOnday to see if cancer is in his colon. Please pray for the family.
    • Brenda-Jim (B-I-L) to be able to take his treatment on Tuesday. This could be the first time he could take the 3rd round treatment. Continue to pray that the Thrush is not an issue.

    LESSON RECAP-Being Respectful --(Ephesians 6:1-9)

    Biblical Truth: Christians are to treat other people such as their parents, children, supervisors, and employees with respect

    You teach what you know. You reproduce who you are.

    1. Recognize & submit to your employer/authority.
    2. Show proper respect to your marriage.
    3. Give whole hearted effort everyday.
    4. work as though you are working for Christ.
    5. Value Christ's reward more than your paycheck.

    Questions to ponder this week--

    • What steps do you need to take to train your children in the Lord?
    • How can you encourage them?
    • How can you honor your parents this week?
    • How can you be a better employer/employee this week?

    Praying you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving!