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  1. Prayer Request for this past Sunday

    Monday, March 18, 2013

    Good morning,
        Here are the prayer requests from Sunday. Also, please remember that we are having our Spring Picnic on April 6th at 12:00. This is going to be a fun day of games and fellowship.

    Prayer Requests:

    ~ Kimberly - traveling alone with the boys this week
    ~ All travelers the next few weeks during Spring Break
    ~ Mandy - her sister has a broker foot this is very hard on Mandy because her sister helps with her son
    ~ Mandy's niece's car was hit at their house this weekend, please pray that all the logistics of getting this settled will go smoothly
    ~ Vesla - her grandmother passed away Sunday night. Please pray for peace for the family
    ~ Jamie - His grandfather's cancer has returned
    ~ Max - please continue to pray for his parents
    ~ Jennifer - unspoken
    ~ Jason - his car was broken into this weekend, they stole everything from phones to credit cards. They are also traveling this week so it has made it difficult with no cards.
    ~ Brenda - Jim (brother in law) will have scans done on the 25th and he will find out on the 26th if the cancer is still there or not
    ~ The Pannell's - they are hosting a yard sale on 4/13 to raise funds for their adoption. If you have anything (big or small) you would like to donate that would be appreciated. They are also looking for baked goods for a bake sale and volunteers.

    I hope you all have a wonderful week.