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  1. Sunday, 9-2-12 update

    Tuesday, September 4, 2012

    **WELCOME new members
    Jerry & Brooke Andrews**

    --CORRECTION from last post-- September 23rd is the BIG day that we begin our new Sunday School class. David & Shelly Cobble (not sure if that is spelled right) will be the new teachers of the class.  If you are interested in helping launch this new class or if you have any questions please let Brenda or Mike know.

    --Sept 16th--The Great Steak off dinner-6pm. Childcare is provided but please register in Sunday School or by calling the church office. Come enjoy a fun meal served by other Sunday School classes to celebrate winning the attendance challenge.

    --Sept. 15th--Saturday Girls' Morning Out--8:30am at Cracker Barrel. Come meet up with the gals for a morning out full of conversation and fun! Let Brenda know if you are coming so she can know how many to expect.

    Prayer Requests:

    --Heidi--my grandmother just went on oxygen
    --T.J.--my mom has in her arm
    --Clista--health of our baby. Continuing back pain