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  1. Sunday, 9/9/12 recap

    Monday, September 10, 2012

    Welcome Mandy Bryant as a new member!
    --September 23rd is the BIG day that we begin our new Sunday School class led by David & Shelly Cauble in room C303.  If you are interested in helping launch this new class or if you have any questions please let Brenda or Mike know.

    --Sept 16th--The Great Steak off dinner-6pm. Childcare is provided but please register in Sunday School or by calling the church office. Come enjoy a fun meal served by other Sunday School classes to celebrate winning the attendance challenge.

    --Sept. 15th--Saturday Girls' Morning Out--9:00am at Cracker Barrel. Come meet up with the gals for a morning out full of conversation and fun! Let Brenda know if you are coming so she can know how many to expect.
    Prayer requests:
    -Krista - for safe travels for Keith while he's in Canada this week
    -Brooke & Jerry - for our daughter Evie's adjustment to kindergarten
    -Heidi - safe travels for our friend Daniel coming from Florida to visit
    -Dale Mauldin - for continued smooth recovery from shoulder surgery last Thurs.
    -Vesla - peace for Chad with work
    -Tony & Kenya - for a job; for Kenya's being able to enroll in nursing school, because she had to turn down her first acceptance; for God's provision of the right rental house to move to by the end of the month
    -Brenda - for my mom's peace & freedom from worry/fretting; praise that her issue Sunday was only vertigo & not something more serious.
    -Scott's grandaddy as he adjusts to living without his wife of more than 71 years.