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  1. Sunday 4-29-12 recap

    Sunday, April 29, 2012


    Cindy O'Shield's baby shower---May 6, 4pm, @ Jennifer Bearden's house.  They are having a girl and have most of the "big" items.  They are not registered but need pretty much everything else.  This is their first girl.

    Girls' Night Out--We are starting a monthly second Thursday of the month girls' night beginning May 10th at Moe's at 6:30pm.  We'll meet once a month at a different place just to let our hair down and relax and chat together.  Just whoever can need to feel bad if you already have plans because you can always look forward to making it the next month!  Hope to see you there!

    Ministry Project--We are on a mission to help some in need by putting together personal hygiene kits ---Some time in June we will have a Mexican themed afternoon or evening of fun to get together and assemble the kits!    
    ***Be Collecting or buying all travel size toiletry items listed below.
    MEN'S and WOMEN'S items needed:
    also--feminine hygiene products

    Mom's In Prayer group will be having a get together at Amy Bryant's home on May 15th.  Come for a fun time of fellowship.  You can get details from Jennifer Bearden. 
    Prayer Requests:

    Kenya Anthony-applying for the nursing program May 9th.  Pray my application will be selected.

    Jennifer & Angela's dad-pray for upcoming surgery to replace his aortic valve.  Pray for peace, and for his doctors & nurses at Trinity.

    Max's mother-failed her stress test this week.  Going for further testing.  Pray that the doctors can figure out what is going on.  Barbara is primary care giver to his dad.

    Christy-friend- Tracy, her son matthew is having a lot of stomach problems.  He's having tests done at Children's on May 9th.  also 2 unspoken requests.