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  1. April 8, Sunday Recap

    Tuesday, April 10, 2012

    Prayer Requests:

    --Joni--tonsilectomy--Tuesday morning. Meals are needed on Thursday and next Monday. Please sign up on

    --Christy -- Nephew's best friend Dylan is in the hospital, Sunday is his 2nd surgery on his leg. There's infection and the docors don't know what caused it. Please continue to pray & write your local house reps & senators that the two Autism Insuarance bills will pass.

    --Brenda--my cousin Carolyn was just diagnosed with breast cancer


    --Potluck Social is set for April 29th during Sunday School. A sign up will follow.

    --Cindy's baby shower--May 6th @4pm, @ Jennifer Bearden's---She needs all things ---think pink!

    --We are on a mission to help some in need by putting together personal hygiene kits (and of course we will make a social out of it soon, where we put all the kits together!)   

    ***Collect all travel size toiletry items listed below.
    MEN'S and WOMEN'S items needed:
    also--feminine hygiene products

    --We had a great turnout to the Easter Picnic/Egg Hunt--66 in attendance!  That's a lot of eggs.  Plans are already being discussed to add some things for the older kids next year.  Think sac races, egg/spoon race, etc.  Sounds like fun!