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  1. Sunday, 3-4-12 update

    Tuesday, March 6, 2012

    Welcome new Members
    Jeff & Becky Floyd!!!

    --Easter Egg Hunt April 7th--details were in email and on last post.
    --TIME CHANGE!!!!!---Don't forget to set your clocks forward this weekend!
    Prayer Requests:

    Gillenwaters--prayers for forme chuch
    Stephanie B--Ava Clair Brakefield at 3 months was diagnosed with Albinism
    Christy C-having a lot of problems with my asthma, working with a new doctor to get it straightened out.
    Shannon's co-worker, Edith, has lung cancer and now has pneumonia.  It doesn't look like she has long to live.  Christy's friend, Tracy Agee-she had surgery on her foot back during Christmas.  her foot is still swollen & has another 6 months to heal.