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  1. 2-26-12, Sunday recap

    Tuesday, February 28, 2012


    --Our annual Easter Egg Hunt is scheduled for Saturday, April 7th @ 11:30am.  Bring the family to the Akridge farm along with chairs, blankets,  and play toys and let's have a great time celebrating our Savior!  We will each supply about a dozen filled (no chocolate) eggs a week before so Mike & Brenda can make sure they are hidden in time. 

    --Tuesday women's Bible study will begin again on March 27th at 9:30am.  We will be studying the book of Jonah.  All ladies are welcome so bring a friend!

    --Moms in Prayer group also meets Tuesdays at 9:30am.

    Prayer Requests:

    --Stephanie-- Please continue to pray for my husband.
    --Brenda--continue to pray for Jim (B-I-L) to respond to new cancer treatment regimen.
    --Derok--cotineu to pray for my family.
    --Scott--please pray for the family of cousin Daryl.  Hospice is with the family.  Also, a huge praise---Scott got the job offer we have been waiting for!  Thank you all for your prayers!