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  1. Sunday, 1-8-12 recap

    Monday, January 9, 2012

    Announcements:--Next Sunday is our Class Potluck Social during Sunday School.  Come catch up with everyone!
    --There is a meal schedule set up on  for Krista as she recovers from her surgeries on Jan. 18th.  Please sign up to help their family during this time.

    Prayer Requests:
    Angela &; Jennifer--Dad is home from hospital.  Praise!  Please continue to pray for his recovery from surgery.
    Krista-Surgeries on Jan. 18th @ Brookwood.  Also, personal issues and needs peace.
    Emily-starting classes @ UAB on Monday
    Brody-cousin (23 yrs old) w/cancer (basically all over) has 3 children ages 4, 3, 2.  He finished 2nd round of chemo yesterday.
    Scott & Lisa-some friends are beginning a life of mission work, Scott--still waiting to hear back from a job opportunity.

    The following are requests I didn't get typed up over the holidays (my apologies)--
    Stephanie-dealing with strong anxiety at night.  Not sure why.  Peace of mind needed.
    Clista-mom is having surgery (follow up to breast cancer, 3 yrs ago)
    Rolf-Dad had back surgery & heart attack a couple of weeks ago, but he is doing well.