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  1. 1-29-12, Sunday recap

    Tuesday, January 31, 2012

    Prayer Requests/Praises:

    Jennifer & Angela's dad-continue praying for healing and recovery from lung surgery

    Jason & Ashley-Jason is having a skin cancer removed on his face on Monday.  This is the second since April.  Ashley is having an outpatient surgery on Thursday.

    Emily-uncle passed away suddenly, aunt, & cousins need prayer.  School for me to be organized and have endurance.

    Krista-continue to pray for recovery

    Anne-My dad had double knee replacement surgery, and his recovery is going slower than hoped.

    Derok-Pray for my family.  I am a full time student.  Pray for my strenght and focus to complete school.

    Scott & Lisa-praise that we were able to have the doctor call in a prescription and get free antibiotics for our 3 year old while we do not have insurance.