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  1. Sunday, 3/27 recap

    Monday, March 28, 2011

    Announcements: 4/10/11 - Sunday, 3pm - Prayers & Pampers Shower for Jennifer Colburn. Will be held at Lisa's house. Sign up to bring something salty or sweet in class. 4/23/11 - Saturday, 11am - Annual Easter Egg Hunt @ the Akridge farm. Everybody bring a dozen filled (no chocolate) plastic Eggs. Some empty ones will be available in class if you don't have any. Bring your chairs/blankets, kid's play toys,etc.and we will have a picnic. The Hunt for eggs will be held first then we will eat.

    Prayer Requests/Praises:

    • Mike Akridge- Tuesday afternoon, consult with doctors to determine treatment options for cancer. Brenda Akridge - for Jim (her b-i-l) to be able to take treatment #9 for his cancer

    • Scott Thomas - praise that his cousin Daryl came through surgery to remove the cancer in his jaw. Please pray infection stays away and complete healing occurs.

    • Entrep family during their grieving process.
    Lesson Recap: God Works In - We Work Out - Philippians 2:12-30

    I. Paul's Example (vv 12-18)

    II. Timothy's Example (vv19-24)

    III. Epaphroditus' Example (vv25-30)

    So you've become a what? Paul says continue to work out your salvation. Saving grace is instantaneous, but the sanctification process is lifelong. We give control of our lives to God and He gives us His energy to grow in Him. There is nothing we can do to earn our place in Heaven. Jesus takes care of that, but we must continue to surrender our lives and choose His path this side of Heaven. We can do that partly by following Paul's example, as well as, Timothy and Epaphroditus as discussed in this chapter of Philippians.

    Paul said we should do everything without complaining or arguing. Boy is that a behavior check? This world is crooked and depraved and has been even since Biblical times, but we are to exemplify what it means to be children of God nevertheless. Paul demonstrates that salvation worked out in our lives would effect our behavior, our beliefs, and our disposition.

    Timothy's example showed genuine concern for others. We are to "shine like stars in the universe." One way we can do this is to not just be concerned with ourselves but to seek out others needs and show concern for them.

    Epaphroditus's example perhaps might be the most challenging of all. He came close to death for the work of Christ. He loved the Philippians to the point of he was more concerned that they were so worried about his illness. He did not quit serving in his illness. He showed the epitome of selflessness.

    As we hold up the mirror in our own lives I pray we will be challenged to not be the same but to live out this new nature that God has given us.

  2. Joy Despite People
    Philippians 2:1 - 11

    Read: Ch 1: 27 - 30, Ch 2: 1 - 4, 5 - 11

    The Single Mind = The Submissive Mind

    If Jesus Christ in not Lord of all, He is not Lord at all.

    • Paul is encouraging and tell them how to be unified and of one mind.
    • Since they have the common ground, there is encouragement, love, affection for one another, and empathy/sympathy with and for one another.
    • In humility think of others more significant than yourself.
    • Don't think less of yourself but put others needs ahead of your won
    • We see the ultimate example of humility when Jesus stepped down from Heaven to offer himself for us.
    • Jesus obeyed by his death on the cross.
    • Think about what it was like for Jesus to give up Heaven to come to earth. Remember that He was full God and fully human/man at the same time.
    • Jesus willingly took on human form so he knows how to intercede for us...yet he was without sin.
    • And he also willingly died on the cross for each of us.
    • One day all will bow down and confess that he is Lord.
    In closing...
    • Jesus is the ultimate example as one who came to serve, not to be served.
    • How does obedience characterize your life?
    • If you know him as Savior and Lord what is the sacrifice and "cost" to you as a Christian.
    Prayer Requests
    • Paula and Brian - friend, Amanda, dealing with postpartum depression. Pray for their adoption - hopefully they will be matched soon. Also, pray for her sister, Joyce, unspoken.
    • Mike and Brenda - guidance on selecting a method of treatment for Mike's prostate cancer.
    • Drew and Kris - safe travels for Drew this week.

  3. Joy Despite Circumstances
    Philippians 1:1 - 30

    Read: 3 - 11, 12 - 18, 19 - 26, 27 - 30

    Focus: Joy

    Single Minds: The attitude that it makes no difference what happens to me as long as Jesus Christ is glorified and the gospel is shared.

    For me to live is _______

    • Focusing on the God of our circumstances instead of our circumstances
    • Paul was miles away from the Philippian believers but they were always on his mind and in his heart.
    • It's the Christian love that us us apart.
    • Paul prays for their love to abound and grow, to be discerning in their love, and to be pure and blameless, filled with the fruit of righteousness.
    • Remember that Paul is chained in a Roman prison. Doors were opened as he is a prisoner because of the four guards that see and hear him during the day.
    • Paul is being tried because of his religious belief and so the "religious leaders" have to study (another opportunity to share the gospel) to see if there is any validity to his beliefs.
    • Other believers are being encouraged because of Paul
    • Paul just wants the gospel to be spread...there is no selfish motive.
    • There IS power in the gospel
    • Paul would rather die to be with Jesus but he knows that God has a purpose.
    • Paul charged them to be unified and to defend the faith - it's the set of beliefs that make Christianity.
    • Be consistent in your walk, as children of God and walk in a way worthy of the Gospel.
    • God has granted to us and given to us the priviledge of suffering for Christ - there is purpose behind our suffering.
    In Closing...
    • Paul said...for me to live is Christ and to die is gain.
    • How would we fill this in - For me to live is ________.
    • Think about other believers you know and how frequently you think of and pray for them.
    • Do you circumstances steal your joy?
    • What is your single purpose in life?
    • Was is the one thing you want to do before you die or before Christ comes back?
    Prayer Requests
    • Leah Irwin's Dad - fell off the ladder las night - 4 stitches on the back of his head, but had a clear CAT scan - he's very sore.
    • Brent Bostic - friend of Leah Irwin - diagnosed with Hodgkin's this week
    • A missionary - Kandy - has breast cancer - will be in our missionary house to receive treatment.
    • Madeline - tonsilectomey on Tuesdsay, 3/15
    • Emily - pray for her great aunt Wonzel (in the hospital) Pray for her mom as she cares for them.

  4. Sunday, 3/8/11, Recap

    Tuesday, March 8, 2011

    Prayer Requests:
    • Krista-unspoken
    • Amy E.-brother-in-law, Jeff Harris, for his health and learning life with Diabetes
    • Stephanie B.-for my 15 month old daughter (Jillian) to walk
    • Ashely F.-mother of one of my Upward Cheerleaders passed away Friday night.
    • Julie-sister-in-law readmitted to hospital Saturday night w/a fever of 102. She's on antibiotics for infection. The fever has gone down some. Should be home Monday or Tuesday.
    • Scott T.-cousin Daryl to have surgery 3/21 for cancer in his jaw. He also has Leukemia.
    • Vesla-will have a follow up visit on Friday.


    • Welcome Jennifer B. as our newest class member! So glad to have you with us!
    • Time Change-Spring Forward-March 13.--Yes, we lose an hour of sleep but we gain lots of daylight. yay!
    • Parent's Night Out for Preschoolers, March 25th.
    • March 20, Sunday-Visiting Children's Harbor-meet there at 2pm--contact Emily for more details
    • April 10th, Sunday 3pm @ Lisa T.'s house-Prayer & Pampers for Jennifer C. We'll sign up to bring something salty, & sweet closer to the day.
    • Saturday, April 23-Annual Easter Egg Hunt at Mike & Brenda's. Bring a dozen filled eggs-no chocolate please.
    • March 13th will be Drew R.'s last Sunday with us before deployment. Be sure to come and help send him off this coming Sunday.

    Devotional recap:

    We are beginning a new study this quarter in the book of Phillipians--yay, no more hard to pronounce names. Mike and Brenda gave us an overview of the book and it's central theme of JOY.

    A good way to remember the essence of JOY is the following acrostic.

    J-Jesus First

    O-Other's Second

    Y-You last