Prayer Requests/Praises:
- Mike Akridge- Tuesday afternoon, consult with doctors to determine treatment options for cancer. Brenda Akridge - for Jim (her b-i-l) to be able to take treatment #9 for his cancer
- Scott Thomas - praise that his cousin Daryl came through surgery to remove the cancer in his jaw. Please pray infection stays away and complete healing occurs.
- Entrep family during their grieving process.
I. Paul's Example (vv 12-18)
II. Timothy's Example (vv19-24)
III. Epaphroditus' Example (vv25-30)So you've become a what? Paul says continue to work out your salvation. Saving grace is instantaneous, but the sanctification process is lifelong. We give control of our lives to God and He gives us His energy to grow in Him. There is nothing we can do to earn our place in Heaven. Jesus takes care of that, but we must continue to surrender our lives and choose His path this side of Heaven. We can do that partly by following Paul's example, as well as, Timothy and Epaphroditus as discussed in this chapter of Philippians.
Paul said we should do everything without complaining or arguing. Boy is that a behavior check? This world is crooked and depraved and has been even since Biblical times, but we are to exemplify what it means to be children of God nevertheless. Paul demonstrates that salvation worked out in our lives would effect our behavior, our beliefs, and our disposition.Timothy's example showed genuine concern for others. We are to "shine like stars in the universe." One way we can do this is to not just be concerned with ourselves but to seek out others needs and show concern for them.
Epaphroditus's example perhaps might be the most challenging of all. He came close to death for the work of Christ. He loved the Philippians to the point of he was more concerned that they were so worried about his illness. He did not quit serving in his illness. He showed the epitome of selflessness.As we hold up the mirror in our own lives I pray we will be challenged to not be the same but to live out this new nature that God has given us.