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  1. Sunday 12/5/10

    Tuesday, December 7, 2010

    Lesson Recap:

    We began a new unit in the Explore the Bible Series by studying 1 Kings. The Lesson "What Money Can't Buy" was a great reminder for us, especially at Christmas time, to be wise in the things we ask from God. Our God is faithful to keep his covenents. We should be faithful and wise in those covenents(promises) we make with God or others. Have you found yourself in a difficult situation begging God for an answer and promising if He only answers then you will promise to do... Be careful in the "deals" you make. God wants our yes, to be yes and our no to be no. James 1:5 says, "If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him."

    Solomon was a wise man and began his rule with great promise. Somewhere along the way he drifted. Temptation is strong even to the wisest of men. It reminds me of a song that speaks of a "slow fade." Drifting from God is a process. We compromise just a little and then slowly we fade into direct disobedience. The road of righteousness is narrow. We must not allow things to draw us off the path.

    Taken from our study guide:

    What about you? Where is your commitment to God? Authentic worship is an opportunity to refresh one's commitment to live by God's Word. The Bible shows that God delights in giving wisdom to those who ask for it. What are you asking God for today?

    Join in on our study of this great Old Testament book next week as we look at Why Prayer Deserves Priority.

    Prayer Requests:
    Vesla-grandmother fell. No broken bones but major gash and too little skin to stitch it up so she has to have a skin graph.

    Brenda-continue to pray for Jim & his ability to receive treatment Tuesday.

    Amy W.-aunt is not doing well with her lung disease. The doctor has suggested calling in hospice.

    Don't forget the Christmas party this Friday, Dec. 10th, 6:15-8:15pm. Email Lisa for directions if you didn't get the group email.