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  1. Sunday 12/19 recap

    Monday, December 20, 2010

    Prayer Requests:

    • Krista-friend who just had baby Ella prematurely and is in NICU. Mom was pregnant with twins but only one survived. Mom is coming home soon without baby Ella.
    • Brenda-pray for Jim's strength and to be able to stay well during Christmas
    • Christy-Stan Lispey who is in the hospital form a bad wreck. He's in ICU. Please pray for his family too.


    • Ladies-Please mark your calendars for Vesla's Prayer & Pampers baby shower. It is going to be on Sunday, January 9 at 5:00pm at Emily's house. Food/drink list & directions to follow.
    • Candlelight service on Christmas Eve-all adults and children in the main sanctuary, 5pm.
    • No Sunday School December 26th. Kinder through adults meet in one service at 10am in the main sanctuary. Babies thru 4 year olds meet in their classrooms.

    Lesson recap:

    The Foolish Wise Man-1 Kings 11:1-13, James 1:22, 1:8

    "God's Blessings are given by grace, but are enjoyed by obedience" --Warren Wiersbe

    I. Solomon disobeyed God's Word (vv1-8)

    II. Solomon ignored God's warning (VV9-13)

    Solomon began his reign with great wisdom and devotion to God. Somewhere along the way he drifted. By the end of his life, his legacy of greatness was tarnished by the fact that "his heart had turned away from the Lord." (v11:9) There were many factors that led to his turning away. Perhaps it was because he intermarried with the foreign women and took 700 wives and 300 concubines. Perhabps it was because of his pride. Perhaps it was the pressures of being that powerful and that wealthy. Whatever the circumstances, Scripture says v9-"The Lord became angry with Solomon because his heart turned away from the Lord."

    Our obedience is ultimately a heart issue. We must guard our hearts and keep them focused on God and his ways. God does not want 90% of us. He wants all of us.

    Questions to ponder this week:

    • What causes us to start drifting?
    • Do we listen and recognize God's warning?
    • Why did God warn Solomon not to intermarry?
    • How do we allow ourselves to be influenced by the world?
    • How do I allow myself to love the world more than God?
    • What kind of legacy are we leaving? and living?
    • What helps us get back on track if we stray.

    I pray this week is one of reflection and joy for you and your family as we celebrate the most beautiful birth of our Savior and Lord.

    Merry Christmas to you all!