Do You Know The Secret?
Ephesians 3: 1 - 13
The Church is not a divine afterthought of God; it is part of God's Eternal Plan
- Paul identifies himself again as a prisoner for Christ Jesus for the sake of the Gentiles
- Acts 9 and romans 15 - Paul's conversion
- What is the mystery described in verses 1 - 6? God's grace...and we are one body of people, which is revealed to us as believers.
- God wants us to have an abundant and eternal life.
- The secret is that we are all equal in God's sight.
- God sees us all as equal, regardless of our sin and the fact that we are all in need of a Savior.
- Through the church universal God is made known to the angels.
- We, as the body of Christ, are reminded so that each one of us can be sharing the good news.
- 10/23 - Hayride at the Akridges - 4 pm to until...
Prayer Requests
- Dorie & Willie - Madeline is sick
- Brenda - for Jim, Brenda's brother in law, to physically recover so he can begin a 2nd round of treatments next week.
- Ashley & Jennifer Colburn - Jennifer's Dad having open heart surgery on Tuesday
- Elizabeth - her sister, Lucy Hunt
- Clista - starting to wiggle her toes. She still needs a walker & her spirits are down.
- Jessica Hardin & Chelsea McGathey - teenage girls in car accident. Both are barely hanging on to life.
- Jennifer Michaelson - from the Daily class - for her brother in law, Brian Sanders, who live in North Carolina. He is 29 years old and is in the ICU in a medically induced coma. He and his wife have a 2 year old daughter and 5 week old son.