Couple's Baby Shower
Friday, August 20
Friday, August 20
8035 Carrington Drive
Hosted by: Angela Grigsby, Michele Daniel, Amy Elmore, Abby Wingard, Beth Womack, and Ann Hill.
We also commissioned Scotty and Kelly Moates to their new teaching position in the youth department. They will surely be missed on Sundays, but we will be sure to keep them covered in prayer and enjoy seeing them at our get-togethers! We are also looking forward to some of our members returning to our class from being out for a year in service. Don't forget that August 15th kid's Sunday School classes will promote.
Somehow the Sunday School lesson moved us to speaking in bumper sticker lingo, but one of my favorite quotes (that Mike didn't need help on) was "When you are up to your armpits in alligators it's hard to remember you came to drain the swamp."
Life is tough sometimes, but when the going gets tough the tough gets going. We learned from Paul that because of our hope in Christ we can stand firm and not lose heart! 2 Corinthians brought us a good 4 point outline:
How Not to Lose Heart
I. Rely on God (3:1-6)
II. Stand by the Gospel (4:1-7)
III. Concentrate on the Eternal (4:15-18)
IV. Anticipate the Future (5:6-10)
Praise and Prayer Requests:
-Elizabeth-praise and thanking God for strength during last week and for new friends
-Brenda-her brother-in-law Jim returns to the doctor for tests on 8/23 and gets results on 8/24
-Haley James-brother Sam Compton will have colon surgery this week at Brookwood to remove his entire large intestine.
-Krista Doss-Her friend's baby son Jay, whom we've prayed for before, is now at St. Jude's Hospital for the cancerous tumors behind his eyes. More tumors in that location were found recently, and St. Jude's is a better fit for him than Children's Hospital here.
-School starts this week. Please be praying for all of our kids and teachers. --And all of us mom's that are sending little ones to Kindergarten for the first time.
Have a great week! Hope to see you next Sunday if not before!