Royal Ambassador
2 Corinthians 5:11 - 7:1 Galatians 2:20
Ambassador: official envoy / representative of one country to another
Reconcile: to restore; to bring together two totally separated things
Here's a great summary verse: 2 Corinthians 5:21 - God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God.
Questions to think about...
- Is there a risen Christ alive in you? If so, what evidence is there in your life?
- How are we doing as being Royal Ambassadors or representatives of God?
- Who is being reconcile to God due to my ministry or service to God?
Visitors - we had 3 visitors on Sunday so feel free to reach out to them and thank them for visiting with us.
- Kevin and Stephanie Hall - they have 2 children, ages 1 and 6, Sophie and Emily - Phone Number 661-6855
- Kari Crawford (her husband Robert had to work) - they have 2 children ages 8 and 6, Emily and Sara - Phone 661-0626
- October 23rd - hayride at the Akridges
- September 18 or 25 - couples only party - let Brenda know which date you prefer
- Book suggestion - Crazy Love -
Prayer Requests
- From Kelly Moates - Jennifer Cherry House, a friend from college, and her husband Blaine have two girls Maisie (4) and Nora (2). She is expecting their 3rd child who is due in September. They just recently learned that Maisie (4) has aplastic anemia, a condition that occurs when your body stops producing enough new blood cells. Aplastic anemia leaves you feeling fatigued and at higher risk of infections and uncontrolled bleeding. She will need to have a bone marrow transplant next month. Her sister is being tested to see if she is a match. She will be hospitalized for month at the time when the baby is due to arrive. Jennifer has requested prayer in these areas: 1) that Nora is a perfect match 2) that Maisie stays well and injury free over the next month 3) physical & mental strength for she and Blaine 4) the new baby to come in the next 4 weeks and also needs to be a match. She appreciates your prayers and so do I!
- Kelley's Grandmother - Joyce Lolley - she has breast cancer and she should receive results on Wednesday
- Leah's Grandmother - healing for Toots fall and move
- Jammy's 38 yr old cousin pass away last week from a brain hemorrhage
- Mike White's Mom will be having knee replacement surgery on August 30th. Pray for no complications and a quick recovery.
- Gwins - pray and praise for the deliver of Annie Kate this week
- Christy Chambers - Pray for David Englebert (brother) he's on his way back to Afghanistan. Pray that the Lord will keep him safe.