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  1. Prayer Request - 7-7-2013

    Tuesday, July 9, 2013

    Brenda - for my BIL Jim to have strength and peace in his battle with cancer - quickly running out of treatment options. It has been a rough week for him, my sister and their kids.

    Vesla - Mom's friend Bonnie Thrash died Friday at the age of 58. Unknown cause. Pray for the family and friends and her students. She is a teacher and I know was close to her workers and students.

    Heidi - Teygen has started on meds, praying this helps. It will take 7-10 days to see any changes.

    Heather - prayers for the middle school (7th & 8th graders) for mission trip this week! Pray for them to minister to the children; let them know God loves them no matter their circumstances in life.

    Mandy - Jessica McIlwain, at 7 months pregnant. Her little boy (they are naming Flynn) has Dandy walker Syndrome. Her mom, Linda I work with. She will be keeping Jessica's daughter Skylar because Jessica has to check into the Ronald McDonald house until the baby is born.

    Ross's Job and an unspoken

    A few memo's:

    1. If you are not receiving the email updates please email me at I wanted to send this out in hopes of adding and hopefully fixing everyone at the same time because I have had some trouble with it.

    2. Stating July 21st I will be gone 3 Sundays in a row. Is there anyone I can get to log in and add the prayers for those 3 Sundays. Please email me again at so I can email you the details. Also, since I will be out for so long I am going to go ahead and put July and August Birthdays and Anniversaries so that is why you will see 2 Months.

    This summer is flying by and I hope you all are enjoying it!