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  1. Sunday 5-20-12, recap

    Tuesday, May 22, 2012


    --Keep collecting those travel size hygiene products for our ministry project.  We'll be putting the kits together around June 22 at 6pm.  (Date to be confirmed.) For a list of items see previous posts.

    --GNO--set for Olive Garden at 6:30pm--2nd Thursday of each month the girls get together for a fun night. Please join us and bring a friend.

    Prayer Requests:

    Jennifer & Angela's Dad--surgery is Wednesday at Trinity Hospital for aortic valve replacement.  Pray for peace.

    Brenda-for cousin Carolyn who begins chemo on Tuesday for breast cancer

    Brady& Julie--Cooper has a lot of fluid on ears and can't hear well.  Pray he gets better so we won't have to go to ENT & get tubes AGAIN.

    Jeff & Becky - Jacks rash.

    Christy- Shannon sees the neurologist on Tuesday.