We had a great morning studying 2 Kings 5 with several new couples visiting with us. We welcome you to the class! We hope you felt at home and will join us again soon!
Things must be going fairly well for the majority of the class because we didn't have any recorded prayer requests for the blog. (Some were mentioned in class and we will continue to be praying for those.) We did however have a praise for Brenda's brother-in-law Jim. He is doing somewhat better. Please continue to pray for him and his treatments for cancer.
- Don't forget to be collecting travel size hygiene products. We will be putting kits together to take to Children's Harbor in February. We have decided to make a party out of it on February 19th from 5:30-8:00pm with our kids. Chili will be served in the Blythe Equipping Room at the church as we put the kits together and help our kids understand the importance of this facility and how we are able to contribute to those in need. A list of items for the kits can be found on the sidebar of this blog. A sign up for food items and such to bring to the party will be passed around in class soon.
- Vesla's delivery date has been "bumped" up (pun intended) to Feb. 1st.--a sign up for meals will be set up on Takethemameal.com soon after she comes home.
- Men's prayer/Bible study group will meet for breakfast this Tuesday at Cracker Barrel at 6am. Come for a great time with the guys and find out more about the next study they will be starting.
Hope you all have a great week!