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  1. Sunday, 1-30-11 recap

    Monday, January 31, 2011

    We certainly missed Mike and Brenda but hope they had a great weekend with their "grands." We enjoyed having returning guests as well as a wonderful new couple! We hope to see you again soon!


    • We are starting a new study in our Tuesday Morning Men’s Group. The study is called The Man God Uses by Henry and Tom Blackaby. It is a seven week book/dvd study. We will meet each Tuesday morning at 6:00 am in CLC room 203. We are out between 7:00 and 7:15 depending on when you need to get to work. Our first week will be Tuesday, February 8th. We will meet at 6:00 am at Cracker Barrel this Tuesday (February 1st) to have a fellowship breakfast before we get started. Please let Brian Sewell know if you are interested in the study.
    • Don't forget about our Chili fellowship on Feb. 19th. Sign up with Emily to bring something. See previous post for more info.
    • March 6th will be our first Sunday Social. We will have a devotional in Sunday School and then use the majority of the hour for fellowship. And of course we will have food! A potluck sign up will be passed around in class. More information will follow or you can contact Ashley.

    Prayer Requests:

    • Grace Champion - you can read updates on Buddy's blog @
    • Christy Chambers-Friend Becky Edwards undergoing radiation treament for thyroid cancer.
    • Vesla- Delivery is set for Feb. 1st. if her appointment on Monday doesn't neccesitate earlier.
    • Kate Rush-will be getting tubes
    • Julie & Brady Cox-J's sis-in-law w/difficult pregnancy needs to go 4 more weeks. B's G'mother re-diagnosed with lung cancer. J's G-mother in nursing home, dementia, & brain seizures
    • Emily & Michael-friend from former church Nigel lost his mom suddenly
    • Brenda-brother-in-law Jim to be able to continue treatment on Tuesday

  2. 1-23-11-Recap

    Monday, January 24, 2011

    We had a great morning studying 2 Kings 5 with several new couples visiting with us. We welcome you to the class! We hope you felt at home and will join us again soon!

    Things must be going fairly well for the majority of the class because we didn't have any recorded prayer requests for the blog. (Some were mentioned in class and we will continue to be praying for those.) We did however have a praise for Brenda's brother-in-law Jim. He is doing somewhat better. Please continue to pray for him and his treatments for cancer.


    • Don't forget to be collecting travel size hygiene products. We will be putting kits together to take to Children's Harbor in February. We have decided to make a party out of it on February 19th from 5:30-8:00pm with our kids. Chili will be served in the Blythe Equipping Room at the church as we put the kits together and help our kids understand the importance of this facility and how we are able to contribute to those in need. A list of items for the kits can be found on the sidebar of this blog. A sign up for food items and such to bring to the party will be passed around in class soon.
    • Vesla's delivery date has been "bumped" up (pun intended) to Feb. 1st.--a sign up for meals will be set up on soon after she comes home.
    • Men's prayer/Bible study group will meet for breakfast this Tuesday at Cracker Barrel at 6am. Come for a great time with the guys and find out more about the next study they will be starting.

      Hope you all have a great week!

  3. 1-16-11-recap

    Monday, January 17, 2011

    Lesson Recap: (Responding to God's Word) 2 Kings 22, 23

    We had a great crowd in Sunday School so instead of retelling the lesson, I want to simply list some of the questions that stood out in my mind. Maybe they will impact you too.

    • What were you like as an 8 year old? Could you have been a king that did what was right in the sight of the Lord and reign for 31 years like Josiah did?
    • How are you preparing your own children to walk in the ways of the Lord and not turn aside to the right or to the left?
    • When our children grow up will they remember our generation as one who walked with the Lord and be able to follow our example?
    • Is God's word evident in our church and in our life? or is it hiding and needing to be found?
    • What idols in our life need to be torn down? in our family traditions? in our church? Do we want God's anger to burn against us?

    "Josiah desecrated the high places.....He broke down the shrines...he pulled down the altars....he smashed the sacred rid of the mediums and spiritists, the household gods, the idols and all the other detestable things in Judah and Jerusalem." --2 Kings 23:8, 12, 14, 24

    Read this chapter and you will see that Josiah was violent. Are we violent enough when it comes to fighting against our idols - our temptations? We must not be passive, but must fight against every form of evil with God's strength and weapons.

    Last question: What was the key weapon that turned their world upside down in these chapters? Answer: The reading of God's word.

    Prayer Requests:
    • Amy W.-my cousin's grandfather committed suicide Saturday. Please pray for the family. -I will be traveling next weekend. Please pray for safety & that Emma stays well.
    • Kiley-best friend having marital problems. 4 kids involved. Currently separated. Pray for Godly wisdom.
    • Christy C.-for Alex and his behaviors. -Resolve differences with his pyschiatrist or lead us to right doctor. --for Uncle Sheldon. His kidney function is below 20% & praying he can get on a transplant list.
    • Sewell Family--Cade's recovery went well, so far so god. -Pray for adoption as we get close to being matched with our future daughter.
    • Julie C.- grandmother is hospitalized and being evaluated about going to nursing home.


    • Packing Party at the Church-Saturday, Feb. 19, 5:30-8:00pm, Blythe Equipping Room. We will be packing the hygiene kits for Children's Harbor. Chili will be served. Bring your kids a snack supper and drink. For a list of possible collection items scroll down and see the sidebar list on the right.

  4. Prayer and Pampers Shower

    Thursday, January 13, 2011

    All the ladies had a great time at Emily's house showering Vesla with prayers and pampers for their new little bundle of joy coming in February. We had to adjust the time due to the coming snowstorm and we finished just in time. Many of us on our drive home were just ahead of the sleet and snow showers. What a beautiful memory Vesla will have!

  5. Sorry this is so delayed, but with the ice storm my time was turned upside down. I sure hope all stayed warm and hope to see you this coming Sunday!

    Prayer Requests:

    William - cousin-in-law, Jereym Ellison, diagnosed with M.S
    Willie - traveling Sun.-Friday
    Julie - nephew-no real diagnosis about incident. Grandmother- beginning to show signs of dementia.
    Michael-dad is having test run on his lungs-possible pneumonia

    Lesson Recap:
    From Dueling in the Dessert to Cowering in the Cave
    1 Kings 18, 19

    Causes of Discouragement
    1. lost perspective
    2. Unrealistic goals
    3. surrender to self-pity

    Cures for discouragement

    1. physical -rest
    2. spiritual-Holy Spirit, Word, God's presence and power
    3. practical-return to work

  6. TIME CHANGE!!!!!

    Saturday, January 8, 2011

    Prayer and Pampers Shower

    for Vesla Lochte

    Sunday, January 9th

    *********2 PM*******

    Emily Wolfe's house

  7. Happy New Year!

    Monday, January 3, 2011

    As we begin a new year, I pray each of you are doing well and looking forward to what God has in store for each of us in 2011. No matter how we feel about resolutions, I hope we all can see the new year as a fresh start to delve deeper into God's word and find a closeness that we've yet to know with Him. Perhaps some strong NEW committments need to be made. If so, remember to take it one day at a time, each step bathed in prayer and His strength! In Him, all things are possible.

    Prayer Requests:

    • Freddy Bishop - getting married 2-12-11
    • Amy & Kiley-Brian sick with fever, Amy's Granddad not doing well
    • Elizabeth G.-her sister, Lucy Hunt is beginning court proceedings
    • Jessie Kesterson-Grandmother has had an ulcer develop as a result to Ibuprophen. Recently she has been in the hospital. Should have gone home Sunday.


    January 9th, Sunday- 5pm Velsa's Prayer & Pampers @ Emily's house....directions will be emailed.