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  1. Who's On Trial?

    Wednesday, June 2, 2010

    Mark 15: 1 - 15 and John 18: 28 - 40

    1. What is the accusation?
    2. Are you the King of the Jews?
    3. Shall I release the King of the Jews and What do I do with Jesus?
    • Pilate's choice is like ours today, what do we do with Jesus, the King of the Jews?
    • We can either accept or reject Him.
    • Pilate made the decision to please people, which is what we too are guilty of.
    • How often do we, like Pilate, fail to do what is right?
    • When we see Jesus on the cross do we see a God full of mercy or a God who is powerless?
    • Take some time to think about not only the physical but also the mental abuse and humiliation He we through for each one of us.
    • The Church Library Summer Reading Program pre-registration has begun in the Gathering Space. All ages are invited to participate, beginning with 3 year olds (by 9/1/09). Dates are June 6 - July 18, 2010.
    • Vacation Bible School begins next week, June 7 - 10 & 13, 9 am till high noon. Register your child on-line at Parent night will be Thursday, June 10 at 6:30 pm in the Sanctuary with special guests, TEAM IMPACT!
    • Christian Home Week started on Sunday and will run from Sunday, May 30 to Saturday, June 5. Each year we set aside a week where our focus turns wholly and completely to the family. All activities at will be suspended for one week so that you can spend the week at home with your family.
    • We begin a new study this Sunday in I Corinthians so just read the first 3 chapters so you will be ready - however, we will not cover all of that. :-)
    Prayer Requests
    • Continue to pray for Corey & Christy McMillan, friends of Jason and Ashley Lybrand, as they grieve the loss of their 5 year old son, Grant. The viewing is Wednesday night and the funeral will be on Thursday morning. They also have an 8 year old son, Gavin, and a 3 year old daughter, Gracey.
    • Continue to pray for Amy Elmore's Uncle Mickey. Mike went to the hospital today to visit his wife and daughters, and the outlook is not good. Pray for wisdom for the Dr's. and his wife Cindy and for peace for all the family. Not only were we (Mike and Brenda) friends with them at Shades Mt. Baptist, but Mike also worked with Mickey for many years at Southern Company.
    • Brenda's brother-in-law Jim received some WONDERFUL preliminary news from lab results. The initial reports show that all lymph nodes tested were benign, as was the surrounding tissue of the removed lesion. So far, it appears that he might just be cancer-free. He returns to the Dr. near the end of this month for more tests. If you would like to read his CaringBridge site/updates, I believe you would be blessed by her sister's writing.
    • Matthew Aston - Kelly and Scott's brother in law. He's in the army and will be coming home for two weeks in June.
    • Jeanette and Wonzel Hopkins, Emily's great Aunts, pray for Carolyn DeBlanc, Emily's mom, as she cares for them.
    • Mike and Amy - their friends daughter was just diagnosed with autism. Please pray for wisdom for the family as they prepare for therapy and arrange for all her care.
    • Julie and Brady - friend is having a DNC Thursday - she is about 7 to 8 weeks pregnant.
    • Julie and Brady - PRAISE - friends dad who had pancreas and kidney transplant (diabetic) is doing well and sugar levels are normal.
    As we spoke of the cross on Sunday I couldn't help think of this song by Jeremy Riddle, Christ is Risen! I hope you enjoy it as much as I did...(double click the video to see the entire screen)