Sunday we were back to sitting in our familiar circle. Husbands & wives were beaming with appreciation as they listened to their spouse share with the class what they appreciate about them the most. We are all different, but each have such valuable qualities! We reviewed COUPLE & CHAIRS before we move to the last section of the video series.
COUPLE - Husbands...this is how to spell love to your wives.
C loseness
O peness
U nderstanding
P eacemaking
L oyalty
E steem
CHAIRS - Wives...this is how to spell respect to your husbands.
C onquest
H eirarchy
A uthority
I nsight
R elationship
S exuality
We have 3 more sessions in our Love & Respect series by Dr. Emerson Eggerichs. Be sure not to miss next week to hear Emerson's wife talk about the Rewarding Cycle. They describe the Rewarding Cycle as the most important aspect of their book & video!
- Thank you for all the volunteered around the church on Easter Sunday. Buddy mentioned in his sermon that Easter Sunday's attendance was the highest it has ever been in the history of our church!
- Thank you also to Mike & Brenda for hosting the Easter Egg was really fun day!
- Welcome Mike and Clista Whitworth and Robert and Laurie Beth Bishop as official members to our class!!
- Get excited for a Mexican Fiesta on May 15th @ 5:30pm, location TBA, adults only.
- Angela & Rob - Angela's dad is having eye surgery Thursday. Please pray for him to heal quickly.
- Robert & Laurie Beth - Their son Tucker will have his tonsils/adnoids removed once school is out. Pray for a quick recovery. Robert's boss is also in the hospital with a possible heart attach & other illness complications.
- Mike & Brenda - Brenda's brother-in-law Jim will have more tests on April 19th concerning the next round of cancer treatments.
- Jason & Ashley - Parker will be having his adenoids removed this Thursday morning after 3 sinus infections, increased allergy problems & 3 rounds of antibiotics since Christmas. Also pray for Chris Childs who is battling cancer.
- Keith & Krista - Krista's grandmother is moving to assisted living home. Please pray for her transition & her acceptance of the care she needs. Also, Kyndal is doing much better, continue to pray for her progress.
- Michael & Emily - Michael's parents are moving to Trussville this week. Emily's Aunt Jeanette is doing better. Pray for her to get settled at home.