More congratulations are in order!
Friday, April 30, 2010
Hudson Joseph Rogerswas born to Jeremy & BeckyApril 27th, 2010 11:40 a.m.8 lb. 12 oz. 21" longCongratulations on a big, healthy baby boy!Posted by Unknown at 11:33 PM |
Monday, April 26, 2010
Congratulations to Tony and Ashley Filiano,the newest members of our class,on the arrival of their baby boy!Noah Joseph FilianoMon, April 26th, at 10:47 p.m.6 lb. 3 oz 19 3/4" longHe made a surprise appearance 10 days early!Both mom & Noah are at home doing fine.Posted by Unknown at 11:21 PM |
My response is my responsibility
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Today Emerson reminded us that "my response is my responsibility." He challenged us to honor God with our behavior rather than react to our spouse. We should choose to honor God no matter if our spouse's behavior was honorable. He gave the example of sand as an irritant. If sand is in your eye, it irritates your eye & likely causes damage leading to loss of vision. If sand is in an oyster, it irritates and develops into a pearl. The sand reveals the inner properties of what already exists. Therefore, our spouse doesn't cause us to be the way we are, he/she reveals who we already are. Ouch! Stop blaming your spouse & remember "my response is my responsibility." Loving our spouse is not just about our spouse, it's about honoring God with our behavior & attitude.Announcements- Sunday is our last video session of Love & Respect...don't miss it!
- Sign up to take a meal to the Rush family to help welcome Baby Kate on www.takethemameal.com . Contact Lisa if you need assistance: scottandlisat@msn.com
- Contact Beth, elizabethcw@centurytel.net , to sign up to take a meal to the Rogers family to help welcome Baby Hudson.
- A pancake breakfast will take place on May 15th @ Trussville Applebees 7:30-9:30am to benefit The Adoption Foundation of TN and Eric & Paige Dorr's Adoption (Kelly's brother). You can purchase tickets from Kelly, they are $5 per person. www.adoptionfoundationtn.org
Prayer Requests- Kelly & Scotty - Pray for Kelly's brother Eric & his family who are in the process of adopting a baby.
- Amy & Kiley - Amy's father Ken is going through a divorce. Please pray for his mental & physical health.
- Laurie Beth & Robert - Laurie Beth's friend, Tom & Maranda Wright have a son with neuroblastoma cancer. His cancer treatment is causing his causing his kidneys to fail. Also pray for Tucker who is having his tonsils & anoids out on May 5th.
- Lisa & Scott - Continue to pray for the sale of their house before August (before Ryan starts Kindergarten). Pray they would find a cost-effective way to remove the tree that fell in their yard. They are thankful that it did not hit the house.
Posted by Unknown at 12:30 PM |
Baby Kate is here!
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Drew and Kris Rush are pleased to announce the arrival of....Kate RushApril 22, 2010 7:527 lbs, 14 oz 20 1/2"Kris, Kate and Drew are doing fine.Big brother Andrew is looking forward to having a new playmate!Posted by Unknown at 1:25 PM |
Keep loving & respecting...
Sunday, April 18, 2010
We have just a couple weeks left in the Love & Respect series. I know that each couple can say they have gained something through this series that benefits their marriage. Join us as we conclude the series.
Announcements- Welcome new members to our class Ashley and Tony Filiano (and soon to be Baby Boy Filiano)!!!
- Don't forget about the upcoming social...Mexican Fiesta on May 15th 5:30pm @ FBCT, adults only...get your babysitter so you can be there!
- If you would like to help with taking a meal to the Rush family to welcome baby Kate, please log on to takethemameal.com. Look for an email with instructions about logging on, or contact Lisa Thomas for info.
Prayer Requests- Andrea & Greg - Greg's grandmother Betty Wilson is in the hospital for the 7th time this year.
- Amy & Mike - Emma's experiencing asthma flare-ups with fever. Pray they can get these episodes under control.
- Jason & Ashley - Ashely's brother-in-law's mother Chris Childs has been given 3-4 months to live due to cancer.
- Keith & Krista - Continue to pray for the sell of their house.
- Robert & Laurie Beth - Tucker is having his tonsils & adnoids removed.
- Angela & Rob - Angela's dad's eye surgery went well. Also pray for Angela's best friend Charisse Butler who delivered a healthy baby boy on Friday.
- Amy & Kiley - Amy's father Ken Poiteuint is experiencing a hard time. His wife is divorcing him after 21 years of marriage. He is not doing well psychologically. Pray for his safety, health, & God's love to continually surround him.
- Kelley & Scott - Kelley's friend's daughter Abby Battles (age 3) is recovering from neurological surgery but has many battles to face in the future (physical therapy, further surgery, etc.)
- Drew & Kris - Baby Kate is expected to arrive on Thursday. Pray for a safe delivery of a healthy baby.
- Christy & Shannon - Christy is having pain in my upper abdomen. She is going to a gastroenterologist on Monday. Pray also for Christy's mother Nell Englebert whose house was broken into on Tuesday. Pray also for Christy's family member Sheldon Vaughn. He is a diabetic and in the hospital for kidney failure facing dialysis.
- Mike & Brenda - Continue to pray for Brenda's brother-in-law Jim who is battling cancer. He is a candidate for lung surgery. Please pray for God's scheduling of the lung surgery and that it will be what God chooses to use to completely heal Jim.
- Pray also for Anna Gordon who has Lukemia. She has undergone a bone marrow transplant. She attends U of A.
- Pray also for Evan Thomason (9 yrs old) who has stage 4 Neuroblastoma. He is undergoing chemo at St. Jude's. He has been battling this cancer since age 5.
Posted by Unknown at 9:41 AM |
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Mike and Brenda are the proud grandparents of a new baby girl!Hannah DaltonApril 13, 20102:32 am6 lbs 9 oz20 inchesPosted by Unknown at 8:43 AM |
The Return of the Circle
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Sunday we were back to sitting in our familiar circle. Husbands & wives were beaming with appreciation as they listened to their spouse share with the class what they appreciate about them the most. We are all different, but each have such valuable qualities! We reviewed COUPLE & CHAIRS before we move to the last section of the video series.COUPLE - Husbands...this is how to spell love to your wives.C losenessO penessU nderstandingP eacemakingL oyaltyE steemCHAIRS - Wives...this is how to spell respect to your husbands.C onquestH eirarchyA uthorityI nsightR elationshipS exualityWe have 3 more sessions in our Love & Respect series by Dr. Emerson Eggerichs. Be sure not to miss next week to hear Emerson's wife talk about the Rewarding Cycle. They describe the Rewarding Cycle as the most important aspect of their book & video!AnnouncementsPrayer Requests & Praises- Thank you for all the volunteered around the church on Easter Sunday. Buddy mentioned in his sermon that Easter Sunday's attendance was the highest it has ever been in the history of our church!
- Thank you also to Mike & Brenda for hosting the Easter Egg Hunt...it was really fun day!
- Welcome Mike and Clista Whitworth and Robert and Laurie Beth Bishop as official members to our class!!
- Get excited for a Mexican Fiesta on May 15th @ 5:30pm, location TBA, adults only.
- Angela & Rob - Angela's dad is having eye surgery Thursday. Please pray for him to heal quickly.
- Robert & Laurie Beth - Their son Tucker will have his tonsils/adnoids removed once school is out. Pray for a quick recovery. Robert's boss is also in the hospital with a possible heart attach & other illness complications.
- Mike & Brenda - Brenda's brother-in-law Jim will have more tests on April 19th concerning the next round of cancer treatments.
- Jason & Ashley - Parker will be having his adenoids removed this Thursday morning after 3 sinus infections, increased allergy problems & 3 rounds of antibiotics since Christmas. Also pray for Chris Childs who is battling cancer.
- Keith & Krista - Krista's grandmother is moving to assisted living home. Please pray for her transition & her acceptance of the care she needs. Also, Kyndal is doing much better, continue to pray for her progress.
- Michael & Emily - Michael's parents are moving to Trussville this week. Emily's Aunt Jeanette is doing better. Pray for her to get settled at home.
Posted by Unknown at 4:09 PM |
More Prayers & More Pampers
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Thanks to all who showed support to Becky by attending the Prayers & Pampers for Hudson! Please continue to pray for health for the remainder of her pregnancy, a safe delivery of a healthy baby boy, and wonderful homecoming!Posted by Unknown at 8:38 AM |
Happy Easter
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Happy Easter Everyone!I praise Jesus for his death, burial, & resurrection! Because of his sacrifice we are forgiven!!I want to share my favorite Easter song with you by Nicole Nordeman (video from Passion).I hope it becomes one of your favorites too!
Posted by Unknown at 8:54 AM |