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  1. The Object of Your Faith

    Sunday, January 10, 2010

    From Billy Graham's book, Peace with God:

    "I heard about a man some years ago who was rolling a wheelbarrow back and forth across Niagra River on a tightrope. Thousands of people were shouting him on. He put a two-hundred pound sack of dirt in the wheelbarrow and rolled it over, and then he rolled it back. Then he turned to the crowd and said, 'How many of you believe I can roll a man across?' Everybody shouted! One man in the front was very excited about his professed belief. The man pointed to this excited professor and said, 'You're next!' You couldn't see the man for dust!... He said he believed it, he thought he believed it - but he was not willing to get in the wheelbarrow.

    Just so with Christ. There are many people who say they believe on Him, who say they will follow Him. But they never have gotten in the wheelbarrow. There are many people who ask, 'Well, how much faith does it take?' Jesus said only the faith the size of a 'grain of mustard seed.' Others ask, 'What kind of faith?' There is only one kind, really. It is the object of the faith that counts. What is the object of your faith? The object of your faith must be Christ. Not faith in ritual, not faith in sacrifices, not faith in morals, not faith in yourself - not faith in anything but Christ!"


    • Upcoming "mystery" social planned for Saturday, February 6... Several couples will be paired up to meet at a restaurant, but you don't know who you're dining with until you get there - a fun night! Everyone will meet at someone's house after dinner for dessert as a group. Would anyone like to volunteer their house? Also, a babysitting co-op might be in the works. Details will come later!
    • Girls! The Tuesday morning study led by Natalie Johnson will begin this Tuesday at 9:45 in room 302. We'll be doing Beth Moore's study When Godly People Do Ungodly Things. The cost of the book is $13.
    • Welcome new members to our class - Carl & Dawn Mitchell and Mike & Amy White!! Mike and Amy also joined the church today...
    • We also welcomed several visitors today - Christy Chambers, Ashley & Jennifer Colburn, David Youngstrom, and Laurie Beth Bishop.
    • The book Brenda mentioned during the lesson today is Don't Waste Your Life by John Piper. If you don't want to buy it, download it here.
    • HAPPY BIRTHDAY this week to... Andrea Anderson (1/11), Jason Daniel (1/11), and Drew Rush (1/13).

    Prayer Requests

    • Angela & Rob - Angela's grandmother is in the hospital for an infection and will possibly have to go to a nursing home instead of returning to her apartment. Please pray for a smooth transition.
    • Kelly & Scotty - Kelly's grandfather is struggling in the hospital.
    • Continue to pray for Brenda's brother-in-law, Jim Patterson, to have peace as he awaits tests.
    • Michelle & Jason - Continue to pray for Jason's dad, Kenneth Daniel, and his job situation.
    • Julie & Brady - Cooper goes to the ENT on Wednesday to see if his second double ear infection since tubes is gone. If not, a second set of tubes is possible.
    • Eve & Tommy - They have put their house on the market. Pray that it sells before the end of the school year.
    • Christy Chambers - *Pray for her as she prepares for the CPA exam and job hunting. *Her brother, David, leaves today for Aghanistan.
    • Paige & Ross - She will be going to Atlanta tomorrow for a review course for an upcoming exam. Please pray for safe travel all week.
    • Carrie Anne & Massey - *Praise! Tina had a healthy baby. *Praise! Massey's sister-in-law's twins are growing and she is now allowed to continue to work. *Pray for Patti Carter, 33-year-old mother of four (one with special needs), non-smoker with lung cancer. She has had surgery and will begin chemo this week.
    • Emily & Michael - Emily's dad will have prostate surgery on Tuesday.
    • Lisa & Scott - Pray for their family as they have all been sick with various ailments... fevers, ear infections, etc. Pray they get well soon.
    • Congratulations once again to the Erwin family on the arrival of baby Layne last week!