Welcome Visitors, Jason & Marla Hayden and John & Rhonda Shelton!
Brenda & Mike - pray for son in law, Michael, to heal quickly from his dirt bike accident, especially his hip, pray he can return to work this week. His infection has cleared up but it will take at least 4 months to completely heal.
The Pannell's - We will have our dossier back later this week and then we will send it to China. We will need $938 for the dossier fee. Please pray the funds will be there.
Heidi - my Aunt is entering depression and not wanting to take medication. My dad still has not had his heart looked @ the dr. don't see the need anymore.
Kimberly Mauldin - my cousin Kayla Mathews is still in the hospital it was not her appendix as first thought. She has an abscess & severe infection in her faloppian tubes.
Upcoming Events:
Thursday (Tonight) Girls Night Out - 6:30 at Trios (next to Kohls)
April 6th - Easter Egg Hunt at the Akridge's
Prayer Request from 2/17
Thursday, February 21, 2013
Posted by Unknown at 2:46 PM |
Prayer request for Sunday, February 9th
Monday, February 11, 2013
Karen - (John's sister) who had a heart attack on Thursday.
Vesla-grandmother not doing well - hospice has been called in and she has expressed being tired of fighting.
Krista - praise for diagnosis of fibromyalgia - proxy for strength
Brooke- continued prayers for Laura Monroe Gill she is in stage 4 lung cancer. She had 2 light strokes this week.
The Anthony's - continue to pray that we find a home in the right area, continue to pray for Kenya's foot/ankle healing.
Stephanie - praise Benny was at church yesterday. On February 24th he will be working in extended care with me
I hope everyone has a wonderful week.Posted by Unknown at 8:41 AM |
Special Prayer Request
Friday, February 8, 2013
Good morning, I received this special prayer request this week.
Dear Sunday School Family,
Tony and I are still looking for a home in the right area, the right everything. Please continue to pray that we find this home that is already set up for our family. Thankfully our landlord gave us an extra 60 days to find somewhere; but unfortunately that 60 days will be up at the end of this month and we will probably have to stay at a hotel.
Please continue to pray that the Lord's Will, will be done in our life in every aspect of our life.
Tony & KenyaPosted by Unknown at 9:43 AM |
Sunday, February 3rd Prayer List & Food List
Tuesday, February 5, 2013
Here is the food & drink list for February:
February 10th - Food: this is the Sunday Social so please bring your favorite breakfast food.
Drinks: Akridge's
February 17th - Food: The Floyd's
Drinks: Mauldin's
February 24th - Food: Ramsey's
Drinks: Cole's
Kimberly: unspoken
Michelle: my grandfather is in the hospital. Also, my grandfather-in-law is in the hospital.
Another, quick note...Brenda had mentioned that is you ever get a chance to go to a marriage conference on The Song of Solomon to go. Well it is not a conference but if you have the chance to listen online or on the App. Church of the Highlands is doing a 6 week series on the Book of Solomon. I have only listened to the first lesson but it is great.
Posted by Unknown at 11:53 AM |