"He is before all things, and in Him all things hold together." Col 1.17 (including our marriages) We are continuing learning and laughing with the marriage series Love & Respect. You know our class identifies with one of Dr. Emerson Eggerichs' examples of our marriage quirks when laughter rumbles through the classroom, heads are nodding, and elbows are jabbing each other. He is introducing new & healthy ways for us to approach our behavior toward our spouse. Next week we continue learning about The Energizing Cycle.
- Prayer & Pampers for Kris Rush is March 23rd, 7:00pm @ Brenda Akridge's house
- Ladies Night Out with Sherri Burgess (Rick Burgess' wife of the Rick and Bubba Show) is March 30th, 6:00pm
- Christy Chambers - Christy is working with Blake Kersey to establish a special needs ministry. Please pray for the start-up of this ministry so we can minister to kids of all ages with special needs.
- Kiley Elmore - It is possible Kiley's uncle has pancreatic cancer.
- Jason & Ashley - Ashley's brother-in-law's mother, Chris Childs has many areas of cancer in her body.
- Amy White - Amy's cousin Amanda DeNard will have a biopsy on Friday. Pray for peace as well as good results on the biopsy.
- Robert & Laurie-Beth - Pray as they travel next weekend for a questionable family gathering.