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  1. Because It's All About Him

    Sunday, February 28, 2010

    Hi from your new bloggers Kelly Moates, Michael Wolfe, and Lisa Thomas. We hope the blog can keep us connected with information week to week. We also hope the blog can introduce others to our class as we offer an open invitation for them to join us. We are meeting and learning together because it is all about Him.

    "He is before all things, and in Him all things hold together." Col 1.17 (including our marriages)
    We are continuing learning and laughing with the marriage series Love & Respect. You know our class identifies with one of Dr. Emerson Eggerichs' examples of our marriage quirks when laughter rumbles through the classroom, heads are nodding, and elbows are jabbing each other. He is introducing new & healthy ways for us to approach our behavior toward our spouse. Next week we continue learning about The Energizing Cycle.

    • Prayer & Pampers for Kris Rush is March 23rd, 7:00pm @ Brenda Akridge's house
    • Ladies Night Out with Sherri Burgess (Rick Burgess' wife of the Rick and Bubba Show) is March 30th, 6:00pm
    Prayer Requests
    • Christy Chambers - Christy is working with Blake Kersey to establish a special needs ministry. Please pray for the start-up of this ministry so we can minister to kids of all ages with special needs.
    • Kiley Elmore - It is possible Kiley's uncle has pancreatic cancer.
    • Jason & Ashley - Ashley's brother-in-law's mother, Chris Childs has many areas of cancer in her body.
    • Amy White - Amy's cousin Amanda DeNard will have a biopsy on Friday. Pray for peace as well as good results on the biopsy.
    • Robert & Laurie-Beth - Pray as they travel next weekend for a questionable family gathering.

  2. Growing Pains

    Sunday, February 21, 2010

    We missed seeing a lot of familiar faces today as several of our class members have branched off to start a new Sunday School class with Mike and Alison Hollingsworth. We were happy to hear they had a good group for their first Sunday. We struggled through the growing pains and continued with our marriage series Love & Respect. We are learning about the energizing cycle..."His love motivates her respect. Her respect motivates his love."

    Prayer & Pampers coming up for Kris Rush @ Melissa Bozeman's house, date TBA
    Thanks to Kerri, Brenda, and Julie for a great breakfast Sunday morning!

    Prayer Requests:
    Brady & Julie Cox- Cooper has an ear infection just 5 weeks after his
    2nd set of tubes & having his adnoids out. They are very disappointed
    & frustrated! Pray for his health & their patience.
    Scott & Lisa Thomas - Pray for the sale of their house so they can get
    into the Trussville school district before Ryan starts kindergarten in
    Christy Chambers - Please pray for her brother, David Englebert. He
    contracts out for the government in Afghanistan. He is having a hard
    time being away from his family & home. Please pray that God keeps him
    safe while over there.
    Mike & Clista Whitworth - Please pray for Mike's Dad, Ray Whitworth,
    to come back to Christ. Clista's Dad, Terry Bridges, is facing a major
    surgery on his shoulder.
    Andrea Anderson - Please pray for Gracyn Boler who is the premature
    daughter of Jonathan & Laura Boler.
    Let's all be in prayer for the follow-up with the 521 decisions that
    were made last week through Team Impact. Pray that the ones that made
    these decisions will consider the "Next Steps" class and our church
    could be used in assisting them to grow their relationship with

    Paige Hickman passed her board exam and is now officially a Nurse

  3. Words to live by this week...

    Monday, February 15, 2010

    "Husbands, love your wives and do not be harsh with them." (Colossians 3:19) "Wives, in the same way be submissive to your husbands so that, if any of them do not believe the word, they may be won over without words by the behavior of their wives, when they see the purity and reverence of your lives." (1 Peter 3:1-2)

    Well, this is my last post as the official blogger for the Akridge Sunday School class. It has been a pleasure, but Brian and I will be leaving the Akridge class to help form a new class, along with Keith & Molly, Marty & Anna, Tommy & Eve, and Dan & Haley. Please continue to pray for the start of the new class beginning next week. Pray for those of us who are helping and especially for Mike and Alison Hollingsworth as they prepare to get the class started. If you feel like handling the blog is something you would find fun or interesting, let me or Brenda know and I can help you get a class blog going to keep everyone up to date on prayer requests, announcements, and other info. Ideally, several people could work on the blog so one person isn't overwhelmed with all of the responsibility. Pray about it!!


    • New class starting next week in Room 307 with Mike & Alison Hollingsworth!
    • Team Impact will be at our church Wednesday night through Sunday night. Doors open at 6:30, show starts at 7:00. Invite your friends, neighbors, and co-workers! There are also many places to serve during the week, so get involved.
    • HAPPY ANNIVERSARY this week to Mike & Amy White (2/16)!

    Prayer Requests

    • Jason & Ashley - Jason's dad, David, is having a lump looked at on Monday.
    • Brady & Julie - Julie's sister-in-law is pregnant after 12 months of fertility "assistance." She is only 4 weeks, so pray for a healthy pregnancy. She will be seeing a high-risk doctor.
    • Rob & Angela - A good friend's mother passed away unexpectedly last week. Pray for the family and healing.
    • Michael & Emily - Pray for the Wright family in the loss of their baby, Elijah.
    • Marty & Anna - Anna's mom has shoulder surgery on Friday.
    • Mike & Brenda - Jim's news last week was "good" in the fact that he will wait two more months.

  4. The Crazy Cycle

    Monday, February 8, 2010

    "However, each one of you also must love his wife as he loves himself, and the wife must respect her husband."

    Ephesians 5:33

    This may seem obvious, but did you know that it is a choice to follow Jesus' command to us in Ephesians 5:33 regarding our spouse? It does not come naturally and that can lead us right to The Crazy Cycle. Without respect, he reacts, without love, she reacts, without respect, he reacts, without love, she reacts... In her book For Women Only, Shaunti Feldhaun writes that choosing to love/respect your spouse is "a choice that we make out of reverence for God." Not only should you view loving your wife/respecting your husband as an active choice, you should know that a husband is to obey the command to love even if his wife doesn't obey the command to respect, and the wife is to obey the command to respect even if her husband isn't demonstrating love. Make the choice to obey the command in Ephesians 5:33 even if you're relationship makes that choice difficult. Lives and relationships can be changed even by a one-sided choice!

    Try to make time this week to complete the "homework" for Session One with your spouse!


    • Thanks to Ross and Paige for providing breakfast yesterday for the kick-off of our new study Love & Respect. It was quite the spread!
    • Welcome to the new members of our class! Christy Chambers and Ashley & Jennifer Colburn
    • Welcome to our visitors Robert & Laurie Beth Bishop!
    • Just a reminder - Valentine's Day is next Sunday...
    • Service opportunities: Team Impact February 17-21... If you are interested in helping with those who respond each night to the Team Impact message during the week, come to a short informational meeting on Wednesday night at 7:00 in the chapel or contact Pat Delaney.

    Prayer Requests

    • Jason & Michelle - PRAISE!!! The Daniels are expecting a new family addition! Pray for a healthy pregnancy.
    • Mike & Brenda - Continue to pray for Brenda's brother-in-law, Jim Patterson. He has tests on Wednesday (10th) and gets results on Thursday to see if he's cancer-free or a candidate for surgery.
    • Christy - Alex has his speech evaluation with Children's Hospital on February 10. She's praying that his speech is closer to his age level and not so far behind. Please pray for Alex. He has a sinus infection and when he gets sick it causes him to regress in speech/communication.
    • Chad & Misty - Continue to pray for David Mims and his family. He is at UAB in critical condition with burns covering 64% of his body. To keep updated on facebook search "Prayers for David Mims."