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  1. Sunday, 10-30-11 recap

    Tuesday, November 1, 2011

    We had 86 people at the Akridge farm to enjoy the fun at the hayride, the most we've ever had! What a great day and fun we all had, but we did miss all of you who couldn't make it.  By the way Mike and Brenda found a camp chair, football & frisbee left for someone to claim.

    November 8th-Paula's Prayer & Pampers (date may change)  get money to Krista for group gift card ASAP.
    Nobember 20-Julie's Prayer & Pampers at Lisa's house @ 4:30pm
    December 9-Preschool Parent's Night Out/Class Christmas party 6pm-8:30pm

    Prayer Requests:
    Gillenwaters-travel safety &safety for girls at home
    Elizabeth-friend Julia Beckman going on Mission trip to India next week
    Benzaia's-family & longer days I have 1 more month of sessions; I pray that we can make it
    Kiley-sister (Kay Ferguson) had surgery Monday to remove non-milignant tumor.
    Emily-just pray-long story
    Scott-2 job interviews this week and possible response on another.