--Welcome TJ & Heidi Taylor
as new members to the class!
--Sept 16th--The Great Steak off dinner-6pm. Childcare is provided but please register in Sunday School or by calling the church office. Come enjoy a fun meal served by other Sunday School classes to celebrate winning the attendance challenge.
--Sept. 15th--Saturday Girls' Morning Out--8:30am at Cracker Barrel. Come meet up with the gals for a morning out full of conversation and fun! Let Brenda know if you are coming so she can know how many to expect.
Prayer Requests:
--Andrea A.-Please pray for Greg to have a good school year and to stay positive as he starts over teaching at a new school this year @ Pinson Valley.
--Christy C.-going through a divorce. Please pray for son Alex. He is going to a new school this year and it is a lot of change for him. We are living with my sister-in-law.
--Tony & Kenya A.--just everyday life, pray for our strength in the Lord.
--Scott T.--grandmother has 100%, and 80% blockages and needs a valve replacement, but surgery would complicate her dementia tremendously so they have opted to try and treat with other meds. It is not a good situation.
--Please pray for the effects that Hurricane Isaac may have.